Bridging Entity

Posts: 52
Joined: 03-May-2006
# Posted on: 01-Jun-2006 10:44:12   

I have a passenger entity collection and a service entity collection. Both get added to a Booking entity

I have a bridging entity ServicePassenger containing columns Passenger_ID and Service_ID.

Passengers are assigned to each service on a booking.

When I save, do I have to add ServicePassenger to both the Passenger and Service entities. Obviously Passengers and Service need to be created before the necessary identity column values to be retrieved for ServicePassenger.Passenger_ID and SericePassenger.Passenger_ID.

Any suggestions.

Walaa avatar
Support Team
Posts: 14951
Joined: 21-Aug-2005
# Posted on: 01-Jun-2006 16:49:45   

Please check the sample code provided for the following question "How do I create a m:n relation between two entity objects?" In the LLBLGen Pro documentation manual, under "Best practises - How do I ... ?" section

Posts: 52
Joined: 03-May-2006
# Posted on: 02-Jun-2006 07:53:53   

Thanks Walaa, works fine.