Change Entity PK value with collection inside

Posts: 19
Joined: 20-Nov-2019
# Posted on: 22-Jan-2020 09:49:34   

Hi, we have a little problem, we are newbe and learn all about llblgen as possible, but we don't find a solution for this.

We a have a entity with PK and another entity with FK:

OrderEntity test = new OrderEntity();
//Order have a relation with OrderLines

foearch (OrderLinesEntity line in test.OrderLinesEntity)
   Console.WriteLine ( line.ordernumber);
//Well all ok, this order have two lines, and print order number for twice

//now we change pk 
test.ordernumber = 200; //ordernumber is PK

foearch (OrderLinesEntity line in test.OrderLinesEntity)
   Console.WriteLine ( line.ordernumber);
//Print number 100 twice, not number 200

//Entity is saved with new number 200, and orderlines are FK and saved correcty too with //number 200 not number 100.

The question is that if I change entity PK how its possible to change all relationship PK-FK in all object?


Walaa avatar
Support Team
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Joined: 21-Aug-2005
# Posted on: 22-Jan-2020 15:39:56   

Orderlines were fetched from the database either by a prefetchPath or a by LazyLoading (SelfSerivce specific).

Changing the value of the PK value will not re-fetch them again, unless you fetch them explicitly.

P.S. As a Design recommendation: PK values should not be changed. If you are using a unique field as a PK, and have a use case where it can be changed, then it should have not been used as a PK. e.g. in the example you have mentioned, OrderNumber should have been a unique field, not a PK, since it represents a logical value that might be changed. Hence you need to introduce an artificial key (an auto incremental number or a unique identifier).

Posts: 19
Joined: 20-Nov-2019
# Posted on: 22-Jan-2020 21:18:07   

Thanks Walaa for the comment.

Please could you tell me which is the best option to reload all object from database, I use this code, but doesn't work

OrderEntity test = new OrderEntity();
foearch (OrderLinesEntity line in test.OrderLinesEntity)
   Console.WriteLine ( line.ordernumber);

test.ordernumber = 200; 
test.Save(); //Database is saved correctly, OrderEntity and OrderLinesEntity

foearch (OrderLinesEntity line in test.OrderLinesEntity)
   Console.WriteLine ( line.ordernumber);
//Print number 100 twice, not number 200

output console:

100 100 100 100


Otis avatar
LLBLGen Pro Team
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# Posted on: 23-Jan-2020 09:41:34   

Refetch refetches only the entity you call it on, so in your code only 'test' is refetched. This is done automatically for you after a save, you don't have to call 'refetch' in normal cases.

With a PK value change, you have to see the change as a delete+insert, they're actually new entities (as the identity changed). This means refetching the data in the same objects isn't recommended.

If you still want to, you can: you're relying on lazy loading which doesn't get triggered again when you touch the property the second time. You can reset this, so you can do:

//... test.Save(true); // this will make sure related entities are saved too! test.AlreadyFetchedOrderLines = false; // you can now lazy load test.OrderLines again.

However be careful with lazy loading. It's easy to run into a select n+1 where you issue a lot of queries which is unnecessary. Always first consider a prefetch path (eager loading) before using lazy loading.

Also, if you are just starting with your project, please consider Adapter over SelfServicing. If this is for a project you inherited which already uses selfservicing, you can keep using it of course (it won't go away, but it doesn't have some advanced features as adapter does).

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro