Upgrading from v3.5 to v5.5

Posts: 5
Joined: 12-Feb-2019
# Posted on: 05-Mar-2019 05:41:39   

I'm working on upgrading and having a few problems.

I saw someone say something about creating a new folder? Do I need to copy these folders and rename them. I have the following folders:

Adapter Adapterv35 LLBL Self=Servicing Self-ServicingV35

Also, when I Generate Source-Code I pull up the Configure the code generation specifics for the tasks settings. I change the Target platform to .net 4.7.2

My other questions is with the Destination root folder. If I don't change the destination then when I bring up VS, my .Adapter and .AdapterDBSpecific will no longer load.

Should I make the destination a copy of a folder from above?

Thanks for any help as I go through this upgrade.

daelmo avatar
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# Posted on: 05-Mar-2019 06:15:43   

Hi Evan,

v3.5 to v5.5 is not a one-step migration. It's not hard but it's better if you do it gradually. Example: First go from v3.5 to v4, then v4 to v4.2, etc. In each process could be breaking changes in your custom code. It's easier to tackle a few ones in each step than a bunch of compilation problems. Please Follow this guide for more information.

I think that if you do it this way, you don't need to re-recreate folders. Re-create empty folders is sometimes needed when you experiment weird issues regarding to broken references or read-only files that doesn't get updated, etc.

Also, it's not needed to change the .net platform unless you really need it. Leave this step to the final moment, when you have all your current solution successfully compiled.

BTW, Why do you have both Adapter and SelfServicing generated projects?

David Elizondo | LLBLGen Support Team
Posts: 5
Joined: 12-Feb-2019
# Posted on: 05-Mar-2019 23:38:36   

daelmo wrote:

v3.5 to v5.5 is not a one-step migration. It's not hard but it's better if you do it gradually. Example: First go from v3.5 to v4, then v4 to v4.2, etc. In each process could be breaking changes in your custom code. It's easier to tackle a few ones in each step than a bunch of compilation problems.

I'm trying to do this, but don't have 4.0 licenses. I have 3.5 and 5.5. I tried requesting a trial license but it appears to be a v5.

My IT guy told me he didn't have any options to download prior licenses. Any help on this?

I have no answer as to why we have Adapter and Self Servicing, it's what I inherited.

Otis avatar
LLBLGen Pro Team
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# Posted on: 06-Mar-2019 12:49:12   

You don't need to migrate to v4 before migrating to v5, you can migrate directly. When migrating, just start in the migration guide on the version 1 above your previous one (so migrating to v4.0 from 3.5) and check these breaking changes, then work your way upwards to v5.5

As you're using adapter, please also read this note: https://www.llblgen.com/Documentation/5.5/LLBLGen%20Pro%20RTF/migratingcode.htm#migrating-generated-code-from-v5.3-to-v5.4 as you're migrating an older version, the csproj files have moved in v5.4, and it's best if you first move them manually (it's a one time thing, see the link).

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro