How to Sort on a aggregated joined value

gabrielk avatar
Posts: 231
Joined: 01-Feb-2005
# Posted on: 17-Oct-2015 15:16:39   


I was trying to achieve the following with LLBGen:

Tables: Restaurant & Rating, linked via Restaurant.RestaurantId == Rating.RestaurantId

select top(1) *, (select AVG(1.0*Rating.Score) from Rating where Rating.RestaurantId = Restaurant.RestaurantId) as Score
from Restaurant
order by Score desc

(1.0* is done to get a decimal average instead of integer)

I want to retrieve the Dish with the heighest average rating. I know assume it's something with DbFunctionCall, but I've not used that enough to understand how to apply it in this situation.

LLBLGen 4.2, SelfServicing

daelmo avatar
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# Posted on: 19-Oct-2015 07:12:30   

Actually, your second field should be a ScalarQuery instead of a DBFunctionCall. This ScalarQuery would be insdide a DynamicList. What code do you have so far?

See ScalarQueryExpressions in the documentation to see how to user ScalarExpressions, once you are done with that, you just include that scalar field in your SortExpression.

David Elizondo | LLBLGen Support Team
Otis avatar
LLBLGen Pro Team
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# Posted on: 19-Oct-2015 09:44:33   

If possible try to use QuerySpec or Linq, as you then also open up the option to e.g. use resultset caching and other things available like async, in the higher-level query api's and not in the low-level API. QuerySpec offers extension methods to produce scalar queries as well, which can help, if you want to use the low-level api.

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro