"Orphaned" Stored Procedures

ElQueso avatar
Posts: 27
Joined: 08-Oct-2005
# Posted on: 14-Sep-2015 06:29:52   

I'm using 4.2 Final - Trial. I own a copy of 2.6, but obviously haven't upgraded in quite some time. Adapter templates. Connecting to SQL Server 2012.

I downloaded the trial version to see if upgrading my data layer projects was going to be simple or difficult. So far it has been very simple. I got everything converted from the old version to 4.2, generated my data layer, compiled my project and ran it all without any real problems.

Then I added a new stored procedure to my database (I already had two which were included in the project from the previous version of GenPro). I refreshed the relational model data in 4.2 and went through the wizard.

The wizard showed my new stored procedure, and it was unchecked as I expected, so I checked it to include it on the Elements to Retrieve step. On the next step, for determining resultsets of the procedures, the new procedure showed up (I left it unchecked, as were the original two that converted over from the other project, as my stored procedure doesn't return anything). I finished the refresh without any errors, but the wizard end log page didn't indicate it had done anything with the new stored procedure, although it mentions carrying over the other two pre-existing ones.

Looking at the Errors and Warnings tab, I have a warning that says:

"The storedprocedure 'abcd' can be considered orphaned (no project element is mapped onto it)".

I'm at a loss at this point. I don't understand why it's not showing up as a stored procedure, or how to resolve the issue. I'm used to adding entities and other objects found on a refresh manually after the catalog refresh (in the old version), but there doesn't seem to be a way to do this any more. I've searched the forum and didn't find anything relevant, the help file either.

I'm sure I'm doing something dumb or missing something simple, can anyone point me in the right direction?

ElQueso avatar
Posts: 27
Joined: 08-Oct-2005
# Posted on: 14-Sep-2015 06:46:13   

Never mind, I feel like an idiot. My apologies, I see how to do it now. Let's just say I was blind and didn't see the Catalog Explorer on the right side of the screen...sorry.

Otis avatar
LLBLGen Pro Team
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# Posted on: 14-Sep-2015 09:25:40   

Glad it's solved! simple_smile

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro