Helpful code to autoupdate entity from datagriditem

hlesesne avatar
Posts: 47
Joined: 22-Jul-2004
# Posted on: 07-Feb-2005 10:55:49   

I wrote these little methods to help with updating and adding entities based on the contents of a datagriditem ( I thought someone else might find them useful and would appreciate any improvements that anyone has.

Public Sub AddEntity(ByVal Entity As IEntity, ByVal Item As DataGridItem, Optional ByVal NonKeyPredefinedFields As Hashtable = Nothing)
    If NonKeyPredefinedFields Is Nothing Then
        NonKeyPredefinedFields = New Hashtable
    End If
    For i As Int32 = 0 To Entity.Fields.Count - 1
        With Entity
            If Not (.Fields(i).IsPrimaryKey Or .Fields(i).IsReadOnly) And Not NonKeyPredefinedFields.Contains(.Fields(i).Name) Then
                If Not ExtractValue(.Fields(i).Name, Item) Is Nothing Then
                    .SetNewFieldValue(i, System.Convert.ChangeType(ExtractValue(.Fields(i).Name, Item), .Fields(i).DataType))
                End If
            End If
        End With
    For Each Key As String In NonKeyPredefinedFields.Keys
        Entity.SetNewFieldValue(Key, NonKeyPredefinedFields(Key))
End Sub

Public Sub UpdateEntity(ByVal Entity As IEntity, ByVal Item As DataGridItem, Optional ByVal NonKeyPredefinedFields As Hashtable = Nothing)
    If NonKeyPredefinedFields Is Nothing Then
        NonKeyPredefinedFields = New Hashtable
    End If
    For i As Int32 = 0 To Entity.Fields.Count - 1
        With Entity
            If Not (.Fields(i).IsPrimaryKey Or .Fields(i).IsReadOnly Or NonKeyPredefinedFields.Contains(.Fields(i).Name)) Then
                If Not ExtractValue(.Fields(i).Name, Item) Is Nothing Then
                    .SetNewFieldValue(i, System.Convert.ChangeType(ExtractValue(.Fields(i).Name, Item), .Fields(i).DataType))
                End If
            End If
        End With
    For Each Key As String In NonKeyPredefinedFields.Keys
        Entity.SetNewFieldValue(Key, NonKeyPredefinedFields(Key))
End Sub

Public Function ExtractValue(ByVal sFieldName As String, ByVal Item As DataGridItem) As String
    If Not Item.FindControl(sFieldName) Is Nothing Then
        Return GetValueFromControl(Item.FindControl(sFieldName))
    ElseIf Not Item.FindControl(sFieldName & "_Item") Is Nothing Then
        Return GetValueFromControl(Item.FindControl(sFieldName & "_Item"))
    ElseIf Not Item.FindControl(sFieldName & "_Edit") Is Nothing Then
        Return GetValueFromControl(Item.FindControl(sFieldName & "_Edit"))
    ElseIf Not Item.FindControl(sFieldName & "_Footer") Is Nothing Then
        Return GetValueFromControl(Item.FindControl(sFieldName & "_Footer"))
        For Each Control As Control In Item.Controls
            If Not Control.ID Is Nothing Then
                If Control.ID.ToString.StartsWith(sFieldName) Then
                    Return GetValueFromControl(Control)
                End If
            End If
    End If
    Return Nothing
End Function

Public Function GetValueFromControl(ByVal Control As System.Web.UI.Control) As String
    If Control.GetType Is GetType(TextBox) Then
        Return GetValueFromControl(CType(Control, TextBox))
    ElseIf Control.GetType Is GetType(Label) Then
        Return GetValueFromControl(CType(Control, Label))
    ElseIf Control.GetType Is GetType(DropDownList) Then
        Return GetValueFromControl(CType(Control, DropDownList))
    ElseIf Control.GetType Is GetType(ActiveUp.WebControls.ActiveDateTime) Then
        Return CType(GetValueFromControl(CType(Control, ActiveUp.WebControls.ActiveDateTime)), String)
        Throw New System.Exception("Unhandled Control Type: " & Control.GetType.ToString & " in GetValueFromControl")
    End If
End Function

Public Function GetValueFromControl(ByVal WebControl As TextBox) As String
    Return WebControl.Text.Trim
End Function

Public Function GetValueFromControl(ByVal WebControl As Label) As String
    Return WebControl.Text.Trim
End Function

Public Function GetValueFromControl(ByVal WebControl As DropDownList) As String
    If Not WebControl.SelectedItem Is Nothing Then
        Return WebControl.SelectedItem.Value.ToString.Trim
        Return ""
    End If
End Function

Public Function GetValueFromControl(ByVal WebControl As ActiveUp.WebControls.ActiveDateTime) As Date
    Return WebControl.Date
End Function

It assumes that the datagrid is setup so that each field that you need has a corresponding item, edit and footer template containing a control with the field name (or some portion of it).

For a bound collection of Customer for example with each entity like:

CustomerEntity CustomerName CustomerPhone CompanyID (FK)

I would probably have templates that looked like <ITEMTEMPLATE> <asp:Label id=CustomerName_Item runat=server text='<%# CType(Container.DataItem,{NameSpace}.CustomerEntity).CustomerName %>'></asp:Label> </ITEMTEMPLATE> <EDITITEMTEMPLATE> <asp:TextBox id=CustomerName_Edit runat=server text='<%# CType(Container.DataItem,{NameSpace}.CustomerEntity).CustomerName %>'></asp:TextBox> </EDITITEMTEMPLATE> <FOOTERTEMPLATE> <asp:TextBox id=CustomerName_Footer runat=server> </asp:TextBox> </FOOTERTEMPLATE> (I use the footer template for my AddRow field)

When I get back the DataGridItem (e in this case) to the ItemCommand for the grid, I just have to do the following:

' Create a new CustomerEntity dim Customer as new CustomerEntity ' Create a hash of non bound Fields that I want to add (FK's and such) dim Hash as new HashTable Hash.Add("CompanyID",GetTheValueFromSomeFunctionForCurrentCompanyID()) ' Call the AddEntity or UpdateEntity Method AddEntity(Customer,e,Hash)

My Customer is then added, by looping through all the field name of the current entity and looking for a control that has it in the name, then returning the current value of that control and setting the field value. I use the hash table to pass in values that are not part of the bound dataitem - like foreign keys, etc... and sedt those as well.

I know it looks pretty convoluted, but MAN has it saved me a TON of time.

Thanks and please let me know if anyone thinks it would be helpful enough for me to build a working example to post...

ALso - in looking through the code, don't let the ActiveUp.WebControls.ActiveDateTime references throw you - I use that for my date controls - it can be found here: if any one is interested... It's handy and free wink .


Otis avatar
LLBLGen Pro Team
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# Posted on: 07-Feb-2005 11:23:53   

Thanks for the contribution! simple_smile I've formatted the posting a bit for easier reading simple_smile

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
hlesesne avatar
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Joined: 22-Jul-2004
# Posted on: 07-Feb-2005 17:05:18   

Otis wrote:

Thanks for the contribution! simple_smile I've formatted the posting a bit for easier reading simple_smile

Thanks Otis - just out of curiosity - how do you get a tab into a multiline textbox simple_smile ?

ctrl-Tab doesn't seem to work and I have seen some articles that talk about using either javascript or DHTML to handle key events... Any idea if there is any easier way?

Otis avatar
LLBLGen Pro Team
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# Posted on: 07-Feb-2005 18:36:37   

hlesesne wrote:

Otis wrote:

Thanks for the contribution! simple_smile I've formatted the posting a bit for easier reading simple_smile

Thanks Otis - just out of curiosity - how do you get a tab into a multiline textbox simple_smile ?

ctrl-Tab doesn't seem to work and I have seen some articles that talk about using either javascript or DHTML to handle key events... Any idea if there is any easier way?

Copy code to notepad2 -> 4xspace to tab searchreplace -> copy back simple_smile

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro