Database specific features for Firebird

This section illustrates the database specific features for Firebird which are available to you through configuration, either through the .config file of your application or through code.

See the Application configuration through .config files section for the details about the configuration settings defined through .config files.

See the RuntimeConfiguration system section for details about configuring the settings through code.

Trigger based sequence values

It can be that your project's Firebird database schema is used by multiple applications, among them your LLBLGen Pro based software. This can give the situation that you've to deal with the situation that the schema is configured to use triggers to insert sequence values on row insert. To tell the Firebird DQE of choice that this is the case, and thus that it shouldn't ask for a new sequence value when a new entity is inserted, use one of the following:

  1. Add a setting to the application's .config file. Please see: Generated code - Application configuration through .config files for the details.

  2. Use the DQE Configuration of the RuntimeConfiguration system. Please see Runtime Configuration - Firebird - Trigger based sequence values