In memory database

Posts: 21
Joined: 28-Sep-2003
# Posted on: 17-Oct-2003 23:18:54   

We're looking at some database work over slow WAN links and would like to cache a lot of "read only" data on the remote clients. We can build a dataset containing all our tables, relationships and constraints. What would be great would be to point LLBLGen at this dataset and create a set of LLBLGen classes to access this "in memory database".

Have you given any consideration to creating a set of drivers to map a generic dataset. It would seem to me that this would be independant of any underlying database and so could be used by anybody.

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LLBLGen Pro Team
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# Posted on: 21-Oct-2003 09:26:32   

classes which query an in-memory set of datasets is not that easy as it might seem: there is no query engine. This means that I have to do the query execution too. But perhaps there is another way, I have to look into this.

It is a complex problem. I can create a caching mechanism which will intercept retrievals of data and which will then return in-memory (cached) objects. This also will not be as fast as a database, because it will of course not be a real RDBMS with indexes etc. PK selects will be fast, filters will not be that fast when the data is huge.

I'll look into both solutions and see which one is better for your and others situation, when you have a slow db connection and a lot of read-only data: the only situation caching will not be harmful and the only situation caching can help.

It will be in the first half of november when this will/can be realized. In early november a new template set is released which uses separate DAO objects for persistence, and then a cache can be included more easily (otherwise you have to specify for each entity when and how it will be cached which is cumbersome).

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
Posts: 21
Joined: 28-Sep-2003
# Posted on: 21-Oct-2003 21:04:09   

I'll look into both solutions and see which one is better for your and others situation, when you have a slow db connection and a lot of read-only data: the only situation caching will not be harmful and the only situation caching can help.

It will be in the first half of november when this will/can be realized.


Once you start using LLBLGen, you get hooked, and you don't want to go back to ADO.NET and all that other <primitive> stuff!