About Versions

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# Posted on: 31-Jul-2007 00:06:50   

Hi. I am working with an relatively old code generated by a previous version of Gen Pro. DB structure has changed a bit since the last code update, so i have got to rebuild some parts. Right now the code i am generating is not working with the old code. I was wandering if there was any problem with Gen Pro's versions

Could any body tell me, please? Thanks

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# Posted on: 31-Jul-2007 00:32:31   


could you give some more details about your versions / code not compiling?

There were a few documented breaking changes along the last major updates (see the change log), but most of them are generally easy to fix, so it's just a matter of identifying them.

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# Posted on: 01-Aug-2007 16:30:42   

The previous gnerated code was made with LLBLGen pro version 1.0.2004.2. Tha code, compiled into a dll as usual is imported into several visual studio 2003 web projects, by placing the dll's into a shared folder. Right now i'm trying to re-generate code with LLBLGen pro version 2.0. The compiling errors i'm getting (when compiling the web projects) are mainly:

-Imposible to convert x argument form object to (String, int, double or watherver ... ) this appears when invoking a generated method in class RetrievalProcedures

First problem, i'd like to know if there are any known problems/incompatibilities with the two versions.

Second problem, i'm not sure wich dll's should i replace into the shared folder, if i should only replace the datalayer (general and specific) dll's or if i should aditionally replace the SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ORMSupportClasses and SD.LLBLGen.Pro.DQE.SqlServer dll's

thak you

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# Posted on: 01-Aug-2007 16:56:04   

The compiling errors i'm getting (when compiling the web projects) are mainly:

-Imposible to convert x argument form object to (String, int, double or watherver ... ) this appears when invoking a generated method in class RetrievalProcedures

Do these compiling issues appear in the generated code? or in the application using it? You said the database structure has changed, so maybe the SP that was called had a perameter or more that was modified. So you have to change the calling code.

First problem, i'd like to know if there are any known problems/incompatibilities with the two versions.

First you have to check the following 2 sections in the LLBLGen Pro manual: 1- What's new/changed in LLBLGen Pro v2.0? 2- Migrating your code

Second problem, i'm not sure wich dll's should i replace into the shared folder, if i should only replace the datalayer (general and specific) dll's or if i should aditionally replace the SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ORMSupportClasses and SD.LLBLGen.Pro.DQE.SqlServer dll's

If you generate the code according to the Adapter model, then you have 2 projects (compiled into 2 dlls) to use, the DBSpecific and the DBGeneric. If you generate the code according to the SelfServicing model, then you have only 1 project/dll to use.

I get from your words that previously you were using 1 dll, then you were using the SelfServicing model, and you should try to use it in the new upgrade, to avoid too many changes to your application code.

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# Posted on: 01-Aug-2007 17:12:28   

Maybe i did not explain my self in a good manner:

The errors im getting appear in the application using compiled generated code. It looks like in the previous generated code, the sighature of generated methods for stored procedures were recieving all of their parameters as object, menwhile in the current generated code, all methods are declared to recieve parameters according to the type declared in the DB.

The other thing. I'm using the adapter model, so i get the DBSpecific and DBGeneric dll's. In the projects i'm working, these dll's are coppied into a shared folder so they can be used, but there are also two more dll's copied (right now) in to this folder: SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ORMSupportClasses and SD.LLBLGen.Pro.DQE.SqlServer. Loking into the folder were generated code is compiled into dll's, i found a new version of such dll's. The question is, i don't know if i should replace them into my shared folder.

Walaa avatar
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# Posted on: 01-Aug-2007 17:27:23   

The errors im getting appear in the application using generated code. It looks like int the previous generated code, the sighature of generated methods for stored procedures were recieving all of their parameters as object, menwhile in the current generated code, all methods are declared to recieve parameters according to the type declared in the DB.

Such braking changes should be handled at your application.

The other thing. I'm using the adapter model, so i get the DBSpecific and DBGeneric dll's. In the projects i'm working, these dll's are coppied into a shared folder so they can be used, but there are also two more dll's copied (right now) in to this folder: SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ORMSupportClasses and SD.LLBLGen.Pro.DQE.SqlServer. Loking into the folder were generated code is compiled into dll's, i found a new version of such dll's. The question is, i don't know if i should replace them into my shared folder.

yes sure you should use the latest versions of SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ORMSupportClasses & SD.LLBLGen.Pro.DQE.SqlServer, as these are used by the generated code. So versioning is an essential issue here.