[SOLVED] typeFilterLevel attribute for Remoting?

ctadlock avatar
Posts: 60
Joined: 12-Feb-2004
# Posted on: 25-Feb-2004 02:44:51   

When I use the default value of "Low" for the formatter's typeFilterLevel attribute, I get a SecurityException trying to pass an Entity object in a remoting situation. When I change the value of the attribute to "Full", it works? Is this by design?

Thanks CT

System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException: Because of security restrictions, the type SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ORMSupportClasses.EntityFields2 cannot be accessed. ---> System.Security.SecurityException: Request failed. at System.Security.SecurityRuntime.FrameDescSetHelper(FrameSecurityDescriptor secDesc, PermissionSet demandSet, PermissionSet& alteredDemandSet) at System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterServices.nativeGetSafeUninitializedObject(RuntimeType type) at System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterServices.GetSafeUninitializedObject(Type type) --- End of inner exception stack trace ---

Otis avatar
LLBLGen Pro Team
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Joined: 17-Aug-2003
# Posted on: 25-Feb-2004 08:23:00   

This is a .NET design issue.

Check: http://www.ingorammer.com/remotingFAQ/changes2003.html

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro