How to return value from UnitOfWork.AddCallBack

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# Posted on: 17-Mar-2012 13:50:15   

Hello dear all.

I have a problem with AddCallBack function. The thing is that I need to execute the stored procedure and return a value from it. But it should be when the UnitOfWork commit everything.

So, I have a procedure:

public static int SysCheckCountryRegionCity(System.String inZip, System.String inCity, System.String inRegion, System.String inCountry, ref System.Int64 outCtyId, IDataAccessCore dataAccessProvider)
            using(StoredProcedureCall call = CreateSysCheckCountryRegionCityCall(dataAccessProvider, inZip, inCity, inRegion, inCountry, outCtyId))
                int toReturn = call.Call();
                outCtyId = call.GetParameterValue<System.Int64>(4);
                return toReturn;

So, InternalSaveBirthCity didn't call back. What did I do wrong? How to solve it?

Thank you. This procedure returns some ID. How to obtain it from UnitOfWork.AddCallBack? I tried to make a fake procedure and put it as callback delegate but it's doesn't work.

 private void SaveBirthCity(PPW.Common.UnitOfWork aUnitOfWork)
            if ((m_BirthCity != null) || (m_BirthZip != null) || (m_BirthRegion != null) || (m_BirthCountry != null))
                aUnitOfWork.AddCallBack(new ActionProcedures.SysCheckCountryRegionCityCallBack(InternalSaveBirthCity),
                    UnitOfWorkCallBackScheduleSlot.PreEntityUpdate, m_BirthZip, m_BirthCity, m_BirthRegion, m_BirthCountry);        

        private int InternalSaveBirthCity(string aZip, string aCity, string aRegion, string aCountry, ref long aOutCtyId, IDataAccessCore aDataAccessProvider)
            var temp = ActionProcedures.SysCheckCountryRegionCity(aZip, aCity, aRegion, aCountry, ref aOutCtyId, aDataAccessProvider);
            BirthCityId = aOutCtyId;


            return temp;

daelmo avatar
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# Posted on: 19-Mar-2012 07:11:05   

Your callBack definition doesn't match with the signature of the delegate. You can create your own version of the delegate and the method:

public delegate void MySysCheckCountryRegionCityCallBack(string aZip, string aCity, string aRegion, string aCountry, IDataAccessCore dataAccessProvider);

private void SaveBirthCity(PPW.Common.UnitOfWork aUnitOfWork)
    if ((m_BirthCity != null) || (m_BirthZip != null) || (m_BirthRegion != null) || (m_BirthCountry != null))
        // we pass true so the used DataAccessAdapter instance of the uow would be used
        aUnitOfWork.AddCallBack(new MySysCheckCountryRegionCityCallBack(InternalSaveBirthCity),
            UnitOfWorkCallBackScheduleSlot.PreEntityUpdate, true, m_BirthZip, m_BirthCity, m_BirthRegion, m_BirthCountry);      

private void InternalSaveBirthCity(string aZip, string aCity, string aRegion, string aCountry, IDataAccessCore aDataAccessProvider)
    int aOutCtyId = 0;
    var temp = ActionProcedures.SysCheckCountryRegionCity(aZip, aCity, aRegion, aCountry, ref aOutCtyId, aDataAccessProvider);
    BirthCityId = aOutCtyId;

David Elizondo | LLBLGen Support Team
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# Posted on: 19-Mar-2012 11:36:41   

Thank you for your answer!

Our delegate is:

public delegate int SysCheckCountryRegionCityCallBack(System.String inZip, System.String inCity, System.String inRegion, System.String inCountry, ref System.Int64 outCtyId, IDataAccessCore dataAccessProvider);       

So, we have a

ref outCityId 

Also if callBack definition doesn't match with the signature of the delegate it will not compile.

Maybe something else wrong with parameters?


Walaa avatar
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# Posted on: 19-Mar-2012 14:59:08   

You don't pass that last parameter:

aUnitOfWork.AddCallBack(new ActionProcedures.SysCheckCountryRegionCityCallBack(InternalSaveBirthCity), UnitOfWorkCallBackScheduleSlot.PreEntityUpdate, m_BirthZip, m_BirthCity, m_BirthRegion, m_BirthCountry);

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# Posted on: 19-Mar-2012 15:43:14   

It's very weird. My code is:

long temp = 0;
string temp2 = "";

aUnitOfWork.AddCallBack(new ActionProcedures.SysCheckCountryRegionCityCallBack        (InternalSaveBirthCity),
                    UnitOfWorkCallBackScheduleSlot.PreEntityUpdate, m_BirthZip, m_BirthCity, m_BirthRegion, m_BirthCountry, temp, temp2);       

We used this sample in other places and it worked. Now it doesn't call.

Walaa avatar
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# Posted on: 19-Mar-2012 15:49:38   

First of all you need to pass a boolean after the UnitOfWorkCallBackScheduleSlot Enum, that's for passing the DataAccessAdapter object.

Then why do you pass 2 parameters (temp, temp2) although only one is left after the Country parameter.

Here is the signature of the method:

public virtual void AddCallBack( 
   Delegate delegateToCall,
   UnitOfWorkCallBackScheduleSlot schedulingSlot,
   bool passInAdapter,
   params object[] parameters
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# Posted on: 19-Mar-2012 16:00:53   


I know what is happening here. I'm working on a temporary unit of work and later on I'm migrating it to the final unit work. There is a whole reason why I'm doing it, it has to do with the "iterations" and dependent objects.

This works really great for adding and removing objects, with constructqueues, I can figuere out what I want. This doesn't work for the callbacks. I cannot iterate through the callbacks and "move" them to the final unit of work.

For now I can solve it by reflection, but it might be interesting to make more public accessors for these callbacks.



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# Posted on: 19-Mar-2012 16:19:21   

Now it's solved. Thank you!