Fetched EntityCollection GroupBy (intellisense suggests its possible.. but don't understand)

Posts: 63
Joined: 18-Jul-2007
# Posted on: 11-Jul-2008 16:29:49   


I have an entity collection that has already been fetched and I am wondering if it is possible to group it at this stage.

I have used intelisense and after myEntityCollection "." I get "GroupBy" as one of the options..

Thing is I don't understand what its asking for as parameters, and if indeed it will enable me to group my entity collection.

Its says Func<EntityBase2,TKey>keySelector.. in the intellisense

Is it possibly to do what I want, or is this "GroupBy" something completely different.

If so could you give me an example?



PS I am using adapter V2.6 (6th June 2008 )

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Joined: 14-Dec-2003
# Posted on: 11-Jul-2008 18:23:29   

Is it possibly to do what I want, or is this "GroupBy" something completely different.

Yes, it is possible using linq to objects. The GroupBy is an extension method provided by linq on the collection.

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Support Team
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# Posted on: 11-Jul-2008 20:46:03   

As Al mentioned, this is supported by Linq in-memory grouping. Take a look at this (in that page find "GroupBy").

David Elizondo | LLBLGen Support Team