max aggregate and join issue

Posts: 35
Joined: 22-May-2006
# Posted on: 27-May-2008 23:24:16   


I am having difficulty trying to use the examples of the max aggregate in a where clause. Here is the SQL of the stored procedure I am converting:

    SELECT  d.dataID,s.FileType, v.Prefix,, s.FileType, s.DataSize
            Livelink.LivelinkSA.DTree d inner join livelink.LivelinkSA.rimsnodeclassification r 
            on d.dataID=r.nodeID 
            inner join
            dbo.v_Region_Prefix v on v.DataID = d.dataID inner join
            Livelink.LivelinkSA.DVersData s on s.docID = d.dataID

        WHERE d.parentId = @DataId AND
            s.Version = (Select MAX(Version) FROM Livelink.LivelinkSA.DVersData s 
            inner join Livelink.LivelinkSA.Dtree on s.docID = d.dataID)     

Here is what I have so far:

DataTable dtResults;

 FolderDocCountSubReportTypedList tlFolderDocCountSub = new FolderDocCountSubReportTypedList();

IPredicateExpression filter = new PredicateExpression();
filter.Add(new FieldCompareValuePredicate(DtreeFields.ParentId, ComparisonOperator.Equal, DataId));

dtResults = (DataTable)tlFolderDocCountSub;
return dtResults;

I have spent most of the day getting the where max part to work, but cannot. Any help and examples would be greatly appreciated.


Walaa avatar
Support Team
Posts: 14950
Joined: 21-Aug-2005
# Posted on: 28-May-2008 10:23:05   

Are you sure your query will properly run?

WHERE d.parentId = @DataId AND s.Version = (Select MAX(Version) FROM Livelink.LivelinkSA.DVersData s inner join Livelink.LivelinkSA.Dtree on s.docID = d.dataID)

I think the sub-Query is using 's' & 'd' as aliases and both have been used before in the main query.

Anyway I think you may use FieldCompareExpressionPredicate, to compare the s.Version field with an entityField having its ExpressionToUse set to a ScalarQueryExpression.

Please search for the bold words in the LLBLGen Pro manual.