Comparing and merging entities

JMitchell avatar
Posts: 128
Joined: 01-Sep-2006
# Posted on: 12-Dec-2007 11:32:55   

Hi there,

I have a large database with a lot of people in it. I am writing a page to get rid of duplicate people which I want to step through all data, checking if all 61 fields match and if not, prompting the user to pick the value to keep.

I am looping through and checking the values as follows:

For i As Integer = 0 To FinalPersonnel.Fields.Count - 1
    Dim NewTable As New DataTable
    Dim EntitiesDifferent As Boolean
    'Check against each other entity, populating a datatable with possible values
    If EntitiesDifferent Then
        Dim GS As New GenericGridSelector("Pick a value for " & FinalPersonnel.Fields(i).Name, "Pick a value for " & FinalPersonnel.Fields(i).Name, NewTable)
        If Not GS.Cancelled Then
            Select Case FinalPersonnel.Fields(i).CurrentValue.GetType.ToString
                Case "".GetType.ToString
                    FinalPersonnel.Fields(i).CurrentValue = CType(NewTable.Rows(GS.SelectedIndex)(0), String)
                Case Now.GetType.ToString
                    FinalPersonnel.Fields(i).CurrentValue = CType(NewTable.Rows(GS.SelectedIndex)(0), Date)
                Case True.GetType.ToString
                    FinalPersonnel.Fields(i).CurrentValue = CType(NewTable.Rows(GS.SelectedIndex)(0), Boolean)
                Case 1.GetType.ToString
                    FinalPersonnel.Fields(i).CurrentValue = CType(NewTable.Rows(GS.SelectedIndex)(0), Integer)
                Case Else
                    MsgBox("Type problem - " & FinalPersonnel.Fields(i).CurrentValue.GetType.ToString)
            End Select
        End If
    End If

This didn't work so I did some looking around and added the following before the FinalPersonnel.Save() call:

Dim ComparingPersonnel As New PersonnelEntity(FinalPersonnel.PersonnelId)
For i As Integer = 0 To FinalPersonnel.Fields.Count - 1
    If Not FinalPersonnel.Fields(i).CurrentValue = ComparingPersonnel.Fields(i).CurrentValue Then
        FinalPersonnel.Fields(i).IsChanged = True
    End If

With or without the FinalPersonnel.Fields.CloneAsDirty() it didn't work and it ignored any selections I made.

I turned the TraveLevel to Verbose just for the save call and it didn't put anything into the Immediate Window

This is bound to be a one liner to fix, I just don't know how to do it!

Walaa avatar
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# Posted on: 12-Dec-2007 11:48:53   

Make sure FinalPersonnel.IsDirty = true

JMitchell avatar
Posts: 128
Joined: 01-Sep-2006
# Posted on: 12-Dec-2007 11:53:35   

That was it, cheers!