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EntityField Properties

The EntityField type exposes the following members.

Public propertyActAsDerivedTableField
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this field should be threated as a derived table field. This is necessary when this field is in a query and targets a derived table while this field is actually a full entity field (so it has field info). If this flag is true, the field will result in objectAlias.Alias instead of persistenceinfo.Fieldname as alias (alias only if required)
(Inherited from EntityFieldCore.)
Public propertyCode exampleActualContainingObjectName
The name of the object this field is currently in. Differs only from ContainingObjectName if the field instance is in a subtype while it is originally defined in a supertype.
(Inherited from EntityFieldCore.)
Public propertyActualDotNetType
The .NET type of the field in the DB. This value is used to convert a currentvalue back to this type using TypeConverterToUse.
Public propertyAggregateFunctionToApply
The aggregate function to apply on this field in a select query. Ignored in INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE queries. Designed to be used in TypedList/TypedView classes.
(Inherited from EntityFieldCore.)
Public propertyAlias
The alias to use for this field. By default the same as the entity name.
(Inherited from EntityFieldCore.)
Public propertyContainingObjectName
Name of the containing object this field belongs to (entity or typed view). This name is required to retrieve persistence information in Adapter Set via constructor. This name is also used by EntityRelation to determine alias - table connection.
(Inherited from EntityFieldCore.)
Public propertyCurrentValue
Gets the current value for this field and sets the new value for this field, by overwriting current value. The value in currentValue is discarded, versioning control has to save the original value of currentValue before this property is called.
(Inherited from EntityFieldCore.)
Public propertyDataType
The Type of the values of this field.
(Inherited from EntityFieldCore.)
Public propertyDbValue
Gets the value read from the database for this field. Use this field in optimistic concurrency predicates. Set by ForcedCurrentValueWrite(object, value) by the object fetcher logic.
(Inherited from EntityFieldCore.)
Public propertyExpressionToApply
The expression to apply to this field in a select list, update statement or predicate. Expression is applied before AggregateFunctionToApply.
(Inherited from EntityFieldCore.)
Public propertyFieldIndex
Gets the field index related to this IEntityField2, so the field can be used to retrieve the field index.
(Inherited from EntityFieldCore.)
Public propertyIdentityValueSequenceName
If IsIdentity is set to true, this property has to be set to the name of the sequence which supplies the value for the EntityField's corresponding table field. On SqlServer this is @@IDENTITY or SCOPE_IDENTITY() and only used when the row is succesfully inserted, however on Oracle f.e. this value is used to specify a new value and to retrieve the new value. Is undefined when IsIdentity is set to false.
Public propertyIsChanged
If the value of this field is changed, this property is set to true. Set when CurrentValue receives a valid value. Set to false when AcceptChange is called succesfully.
(Inherited from EntityFieldCore.)
Public propertyIsForeignKey
If set to true, in the constructor, this field is part of a foreign key. This field is not used in LLBLGen Pro's code, however can be useful in user code.
(Inherited from EntityFieldCore.)
Public propertyIsIdentity
If set to true, the Dynamic Query Engine (DQE) will assume the field is an Identity field and will act accordingly (i.e.: as the target database handles Identity fields: SqlServer will generate a new value itself, Oracle wants to have a sequence input.
Public propertyIsInMultiTargetEntity
Flag to signal if the field is in a multi-target entity. Used for alias production during query building in scenario's with inheritance.
(Inherited from EntityFieldCore.)
Public propertyIsNull
If the original value in the column for this entityfield is DBNull (NULL), this parameter should be set to true, otherwise to false. In BL Logic, it's impractical to work with NULL values, so these are converted to workable values. The developer can still determine if the original value was DBNull by checking this field.
(Inherited from EntityFieldCore.)
Public propertyIsNullable
Will be true if this field can be set to NULL in the database, false otherwise. The Field Validation logic in an entity will use this flag to check if the field indeed can be set to NULL or not. Set by constructor.
(Inherited from EntityFieldCore.)
Public propertyIsOfEnumDataType
Gets a value indicating whether the DataType is an enum type. This is a helper boolean so it doesn't have to be determined for every field set during a fetch.
(Inherited from EntityFieldCore.)
Public propertyIsPrimaryKey
If set to true, in the constructor, this field will end up in the PrimaryKey field list of the containing IEntityFields object.
(Inherited from EntityFieldCore.)
Public propertyIsReadOnly
If set to true, in the constructor, no changes can be made to this field.
(Inherited from EntityFieldCore.)
Public propertyMaxLength
The maximum length of the value of the entityfield (string/binary data). Is ignored for entityfields which hold non-string and non-binary values. Value initially set for this field is the length of the database column this field is mapped on.
(Inherited from EntityFieldCore.)
Public propertyName
The name of the field. Used in XML output.
(Inherited from EntityFieldCore.)
Public propertyObjectAlias
Alias for the object containing the field this entity field is mapped on. Used in typed list selection lists.
(Inherited from EntityFieldCore.)
Public propertyOverClauseToApply
The window specification for an OVER() clause to apply to this field in a select list. Not used elsewhere. WindowSpecification results in an OVER() clause which is appended to an aggregatefunction and expression.
(Inherited from EntityFieldCore.)
Public propertyPrecision
The precision of the value for this field. Value initially set for this field is the precision of the database column this field is mapped on.
(Inherited from EntityFieldCore.)
Public propertyRealDataType
Gets the real datatype. This is the underlying datatype of DataType and if that's a Nullable(Of T) it's the type of T. This is a helper property so it's not determined over and over again for every field during a fetch.
(Inherited from EntityFieldCore.)
Public propertyScale
The scale of the value for this field. Value initially set for this field is the scale of the database column this field is mapped on.
(Inherited from EntityFieldCore.)
Public propertySourceCatalogName
The name of the catalog the SourceSchemaName is located in.
Public propertySourceColumnDbType
The type of the Column mapped onto the EntityField. The value stored here is the integer representation of the enum value of the type, f.e. SqlDbType.Int or OracleType.Int16 Used for update/insert operations on the column
Public propertySourceColumnIsNullable
Flag if the Column mapped onto the entityfield is nullable or not. Used for update/insert operations on the column
Public propertySourceColumnMaxLength
The maximum length of the value of this entityfield (string/binary data). Is ignored for entityfields which hold non-string and non-binary values. ColumnMaxLength Used for update/insert operations on the column
Public propertySourceColumnName
The name of the corresponding column in a view or table for this entityfield. This name is used to map a column in a resultset onto the entity field. Used for update/insert operations on the column
Public propertySourceColumnPrecision
The precision of the Column mapped onto the entityfield. Used for update/insert operations on the column
Public propertySourceColumnScale
The scale of the Column mapped onto the entityfield. Used for update/insert operations on the column
Public propertySourceObjectName
The name of the source object which holds SourceColumnName. Can be a view or a table. Used to generate SQL on the fly.
Public propertySourceSchemaName
The name of the schema which holds SourceObjectName. Schema is used to generate SQL on the fly. A common schema name in SqlServer is f.e. 'dbo'.
Public propertyTargetFullConcatenated
Returns the concatenated result of catalog, schema and objectname. If all are empty it will result in "..".
Public propertyTypeConverterToUse
Gets the type converter to use. Only set through constructor and when a conversion is required from the .NET type returned by the ADO.NET provider and the defined .NET type for this field.
Explicit Interface Implementations
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIEntityFieldCoreLinkedSuperTypeField
Gets the linked super type field, if this field is a subtype field and it's linked to a supertype field, otherwise null.
(Inherited from EntityFieldCore.)
See Also