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TypedListBaseT Methods

The TypedListBaseT generic type exposes the following members.

Public methodAcceptChanges
Commits all the changes made to this table since the last time AcceptChanges was called.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Public methodBeginInit
Begins the initialization of a DataTable that is used on a form or used by another component. The initialization occurs at run time.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Public methodBeginLoadData
Turns off notifications, index maintenance, and constraints while loading data.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Protected methodBuildRelationSet
Builds the relation set for this typed list.
Protected methodBuildResultset
Builds the resultset fields.
Public methodClear
Clears the DataTable of all data.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Public methodClone
Clones the structure of the DataTable, including all DataTable schemas and constraints.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Public methodCompute
Computes the given expression on the current rows that pass the filter criteria.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Public methodCopy
Copies both the structure and data for this DataTable.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Protected methodCreateDAOInstance
Creates a new TypedList dao instance
Public methodCreateDataReader
Returns a DataTableReader corresponding to the data within this DataTable.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Protected methodCreateInstance
Creates a new instance of DataTable.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Protected methodDeserializeOwnedData
Deserializes the owned data.
(Inherited from TypedListCore.)
Public methodDispose
Releases all resources used by the MarshalByValueComponent.
(Inherited from MarshalByValueComponent.)
Protected methodDispose(Boolean)
Releases the unmanaged resources used by the MarshalByValueComponent and optionally releases the managed resources.
(Inherited from MarshalByValueComponent.)
Public methodEndInit
Ends the initialization of a DataTable that is used on a form or used by another component. The initialization occurs at run time.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Public methodEndLoadData
Turns on notifications, index maintenance, and constraints after loading data.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodFill
Fills itself with data. it builds a dynamic query and loads itself with that query. Will use no sort filter, no select filter, will allow duplicate rows and will not limit the amount of rows returned
Public methodFill(Int64, ISortExpression)
Fills itself with data. it builds a dynamic query and loads itself with that query. Will not use a filter, will allow duplicate rows.
Public methodFill(Int64, ISortExpression, Boolean)
Fills itself with data. it builds a dynamic query and loads itself with that query. Will not use a filter.
Public methodFill(Int64, ISortExpression, Boolean, IPredicate)
Fills itself with data. it builds a dynamic query and loads itself with that query, using the specified filter
Public methodFill(Int64, ISortExpression, Boolean, IPredicate, ITransaction)
Fills itself with data. it builds a dynamic query and loads itself with that query, using the specified filter
Public methodFill(Int64, ISortExpression, Boolean, IPredicate, ITransaction, IGroupByCollection)
Fills itself with data. it builds a dynamic query and loads itself with that query, using the specified filter
Public methodFill(Int64, ISortExpression, Boolean, IPredicate, ITransaction, IGroupByCollection, Int32, Int32)
Fills itself with data. it builds a dynamic query and loads itself with that query, using the specified filter
Protected methodFinalize (Inherited from MarshalByValueComponent.)
Public methodGetChanges
Gets a copy of the DataTable that contains all changes made to it since it was loaded or AcceptChanges was last called.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Public methodGetChanges(DataRowState)
Gets a copy of the DataTable containing all changes made to it since it was last loaded, or since AcceptChanges was called, filtered by DataRowState.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Public methodGetDbCount
Gets the number of rows in the database for this typed list, not skipping duplicates
Public methodGetDbCount(Boolean)
Gets the number of rows in the database for this typed list.
Public methodGetDbCount(Boolean, IPredicateExpression)
Gets the number of rows in the database for this typed list.
Public methodGetDbCount(Boolean, IPredicateExpression, IRelationCollection)
Gets the number of rows in the database for this typed list.
Public methodGetDbCount(Boolean, IPredicateExpression, IRelationCollection, GroupByCollection)
Gets the number of rows in the database for this typed list.
Public methodGetEnumerator
Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
Public methodGetErrors
Gets an array of DataRow objects that contain errors.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetObjectData
Populates a serialization information object with the data needed to serialize the DataTable.
(Inherited from TypedListCore.)
Protected methodGetRowType
Return the type of the typed datarow
(Overrides DataTableGetRowType.)
Protected methodGetSchema (Inherited from DataTable.)
Public methodGetService
Gets the implementer of the IServiceProvider.
(Inherited from MarshalByValueComponent.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodImportRow
Copies a DataRow into a DataTable, preserving any property settings, as well as original and current values.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Protected methodInitClass
Inits the class.
(Inherited from TypedListCore.)
Public methodLoad(IDataReader)
Fills a DataTable with values from a data source using the supplied IDataReader. If the DataTable already contains rows, the incoming data from the data source is merged with the existing rows.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Public methodLoad(IDataReader, LoadOption)
Fills a DataTable with values from a data source using the supplied IDataReader. If the DataTable already contains rows, the incoming data from the data source is merged with the existing rows according to the value of the loadOption parameter.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Public methodLoad(IDataReader, LoadOption, FillErrorEventHandler)
Fills a DataTable with values from a data source using the supplied IDataReader using an error-handling delegate.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Public methodLoadDataRow(Object, Boolean)
Finds and updates a specific row. If no matching row is found, a new row is created using the given values.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Public methodLoadDataRow(Object, LoadOption)
Finds and updates a specific row. If no matching row is found, a new row is created using the given values.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodMerge(DataTable)
Merge the specified DataTable with the current DataTable.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Public methodMerge(DataTable, Boolean)
Merge the specified DataTable with the current DataTable, indicating whether to preserve changes in the current DataTable.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Public methodMerge(DataTable, Boolean, MissingSchemaAction)
Merge the specified DataTable with the current DataTable, indicating whether to preserve changes and how to handle missing schema in the current DataTable.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Public methodNewRow
Creates a new DataRow with the same schema as the table.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Protected methodNewRowArray
Returns an array of DataRow.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Protected methodNewRowFromBuilder
Creates a new row from an existing row.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Protected methodOnColumnChanged
Raises the ColumnChanged event.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Protected methodOnColumnChanging
Raises the ColumnChanging event.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Protected methodOnInitialized
Method which is called at the end of the InitClass() method in the generated typedlist class. This method can be used to add additional DataColumn definitions to the typedlist's base class, which is a datatable.
(Inherited from TypedListCore.)
Protected methodOnPropertyChanging
Raises the PropertyChanged event.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Protected methodOnRelationSetBuilt
Method which is called at the end of the generated BuildRelationSet method and which can be used to add additional relations to the relationcollection of the typedlist.
(Inherited from TypedListCore.)
Protected methodOnRemoveColumn
Notifies the DataTable that a DataColumn is being removed.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Protected methodOnResultsetBuilt
Method which is called at the end of the generated BuildResultset method and which can be used to add additional fields to the fields object for the typed list, or to manipulate the field objects added to the typed list.
Protected methodOnRowChanged
Raises the RowChanged event.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Protected methodOnRowChanging
Raises the RowChanging event.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Protected methodOnRowDeleted
Raises the RowDeleted event.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Protected methodOnRowDeleting
Raises the RowDeleting event.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Protected methodOnTableCleared
Raises the TableCleared event.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Protected methodOnTableClearing
Raises the TableClearing event.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Protected methodOnTableNewRow
Raises the TableNewRow event.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Public methodReadXml(Stream)
Reads XML schema and data into the DataTable using the specified Stream.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Public methodReadXml(TextReader)
Reads XML schema and data into the DataTable using the specified TextReader.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Public methodReadXml(String)
Reads XML schema and data into the DataTable from the specified file.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Public methodReadXml(XmlReader)
Reads XML Schema and Data into the DataTable using the specified XmlReader.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Public methodReadXmlSchema(Stream)
Reads an XML schema into the DataTable using the specified stream.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Public methodReadXmlSchema(TextReader)
Reads an XML schema into the DataTable using the specified TextReader.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Public methodReadXmlSchema(String)
Reads an XML schema into the DataTable from the specified file.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Public methodReadXmlSchema(XmlReader)
Reads an XML schema into the DataTable using the specified XmlReader.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Protected methodReadXmlSerializable
Reads from an XML stream.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Public methodRejectChanges
Rolls back all changes that have been made to the table since it was loaded, or the last time AcceptChanges was called.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Public methodReset
Resets the DataTable to its original state. Reset removes all data, indexes, relations, and columns of the table. If a DataSet includes a DataTable, the table will still be part of the DataSet after the table is reset.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Public methodSelect
Gets an array of all row objects of type T.
Public methodSelect(String)
Gets an array of all row objects of type T that match the filter criteria in order of primary key (or lacking one, order of addition.)
Public methodSelect(String, String)
Gets an array of all row objects of type T that match the filter criteria, in the specified sort order
Public methodSelect(String, String, DataViewRowState)
Gets an array of all row objects of type T that match the filter criteria, in the specified sort order that match the specified state
Protected methodSerializeOwnedData
Serializes the owned data.
(Inherited from TypedListCore.)
Public methodToString
Gets the TableName and DisplayExpression, if there is one as a concatenated string.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Public methodWriteXml(Stream)
Writes the current contents of the DataTable as XML using the specified Stream.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Public methodWriteXml(TextWriter)
Writes the current contents of the DataTable as XML using the specified TextWriter.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Public methodWriteXml(XmlWriter)
Writes the current contents of the DataTable as XML using the specified XmlWriter.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Public methodWriteXml(String)
Writes the current contents of the DataTable as XML using the specified file.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Public methodWriteXml(Stream, Boolean)
Writes the current contents of the DataTable as XML using the specified Stream. To save the data for the table and all its descendants, set the writeHierarchy parameter to true.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Public methodWriteXml(TextWriter, Boolean)
Writes the current contents of the DataTable as XML using the specified TextWriter. To save the data for the table and all its descendants, set the writeHierarchy parameter to true.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Public methodWriteXml(XmlWriter, Boolean)
Writes the current contents of the DataTable as XML using the specified XmlWriter.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Public methodWriteXml(String, Boolean)
Writes the current contents of the DataTable as XML using the specified file. To save the data for the table and all its descendants, set the writeHierarchy parameter to true.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Public methodWriteXml(Stream, XmlWriteMode)
Writes the current data, and optionally the schema, for the DataTable to the specified file using the specified XmlWriteMode. To write the schema, set the value for the mode parameter to WriteSchema.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Public methodWriteXml(TextWriter, XmlWriteMode)
Writes the current data, and optionally the schema, for the DataTable using the specified TextWriter and XmlWriteMode. To write the schema, set the value for the mode parameter to WriteSchema.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Public methodWriteXml(XmlWriter, XmlWriteMode)
Writes the current data, and optionally the schema, for the DataTable using the specified XmlWriter and XmlWriteMode. To write the schema, set the value for the mode parameter to WriteSchema.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Public methodWriteXml(String, XmlWriteMode)
Writes the current data, and optionally the schema, for the DataTable using the specified file and XmlWriteMode. To write the schema, set the value for the mode parameter to WriteSchema.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Public methodWriteXml(Stream, XmlWriteMode, Boolean)
Writes the current data, and optionally the schema, for the DataTable to the specified file using the specified XmlWriteMode. To write the schema, set the value for the mode parameter to WriteSchema. To save the data for the table and all its descendants, set the writeHierarchy parameter to true.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Public methodWriteXml(TextWriter, XmlWriteMode, Boolean)
Writes the current data, and optionally the schema, for the DataTable using the specified TextWriter and XmlWriteMode. To write the schema, set the value for the mode parameter to WriteSchema. To save the data for the table and all its descendants, set the writeHierarchy parameter to true.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Public methodWriteXml(XmlWriter, XmlWriteMode, Boolean)
Writes the current data, and optionally the schema, for the DataTable using the specified XmlWriter and XmlWriteMode. To write the schema, set the value for the mode parameter to WriteSchema. To save the data for the table and all its descendants, set the writeHierarchy parameter to true.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Public methodWriteXml(String, XmlWriteMode, Boolean)
Writes the current data, and optionally the schema, for the DataTable using the specified file and XmlWriteMode. To write the schema, set the value for the mode parameter to WriteSchema. To save the data for the table and all its descendants, set the writeHierarchy parameter to true.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Public methodWriteXmlSchema(Stream)
Writes the current data structure of the DataTable as an XML schema to the specified stream.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Public methodWriteXmlSchema(TextWriter)
Writes the current data structure of the DataTable as an XML schema using the specified TextWriter.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Public methodWriteXmlSchema(XmlWriter)
Writes the current data structure of the DataTable as an XML schema using the specified XmlWriter.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Public methodWriteXmlSchema(String)
Writes the current data structure of the DataTable as an XML schema to the specified file.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Public methodWriteXmlSchema(Stream, Boolean)
Writes the current data structure of the DataTable as an XML schema to the specified stream. To save the schema for the table and all its descendants, set the writeHierarchy parameter to true.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Public methodWriteXmlSchema(TextWriter, Boolean)
Writes the current data structure of the DataTable as an XML schema using the specified TextWriter. To save the schema for the table and all its descendants, set the writeHierarchy parameter to true.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Public methodWriteXmlSchema(XmlWriter, Boolean)
Writes the current data structure of the DataTable as an XML schema using the specified XmlWriter. To save the schema for the table and all its descendants, set the writeHierarchy parameter to true.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Public methodWriteXmlSchema(String, Boolean)
Writes the current data structure of the DataTable as an XML schema to the specified file. To save the schema for the table and all its descendants, set the writeHierarchy parameter to true.
(Inherited from DataTable.)
Explicit Interface Implementations
See Also