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DynamicRelationBase Properties

The DynamicRelationBase type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAliasLeftOperand
Gets the alias for the left operand.
Public propertyAliasRightOperand
Gets the alias for the right operand.
Public propertyJoinType
The join type to use. If right operand is null and left operand is a DerivedTableDefinition, this value is ignored.
Public propertyLeftOperand
Gets the left operand. Can be either a DerivedTableDefinition or an entity field (IEntityFieldCore)
Public propertyLeftOperandInheritanceInfo
Gets the left operand's InheritanceInfo
Public propertyLeftOperandIsDerivedTable
Returns true of the left operand Is a DerivedTableDefinition
Public propertyLeftOperandPersistenceInfo
Gets the persistence info for the left operand. Is null if left operand is a DerivedTableDefinition instead of an IEntityFieldCore
Public propertyOnClause
Gets the On clause filter for the On clause in the join. Should be null if a cross-join is used.
Public propertyRightOperand
Gets the right operand. Can be either a DerivedTableDefinition or an entity field (IEntityFieldCore) or null (left operand then has to be a DerivedTableDefinition)
Public propertyRightOperandInheritanceInfo
Gets the right operand's InheritanceInfo
Public propertyRightOperandIsDerivedTable
Returns true of the right operand Is a DerivedTableDefinition
Public propertyRightOperandPersistenceInfo
Gets the persistence info for the right operand. Is null if right operand is a DerivedTableDefinition instead of an IEntityFieldCore
Explicit Interface Implementations
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIRelationHintTargetNameLeftOperand
Gets the name of the left operand for hint targeting. This is either AliasLeftOperand, or if that's empty the containing entity name of the left operand field, if applicable otherwise an empty string.
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIRelationHintTargetNameRightOperand
Gets the name of the right operand for hint targeting. This is either AliasRightOperand, or if that's empty the containing entity name of the right operand field, if applicable otherwise an empty string.
Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIRelationStartElementIsPkSide
Returns true if the start element of the relation (the left operand) is the Pkside.
See Also