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SerializationWriter Fields

The SerializationWriter type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic memberDefaultCapacity
Default capacity for the underlying MemoryStream
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultOptimizeForSize
The Default setting for the OptimizeForSize property.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultPreserveDecimalScale
The Default setting for the PreserveDecimalScale property.
Public fieldStatic memberHighestOptimizable16BitValue
Holds the highest Int16 that can be optimized into less than the normal 2 bytes
Public fieldStatic memberHighestOptimizable32BitValue
Holds the highest Int32 that can be optimized into less than the normal 4 bytes
Public fieldStatic memberHighestOptimizable64BitValue
Holds the highest Int64 that can be optimized into less than the normal 8 bytes
See Also