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DBCatalog Methods

The DBCatalog type exposes the following members.

Public methodCheckIfAllMetaDataIsNew
Checks if all meta data in this catalog is new.
Public methodCheckIfDDLSQLExportActionIsRequired
Checks if a DDL SQL export action is required for the meta-data in this object
Public methodContainsAnyElementOfType
Determines whether this element directly or indirectly contains at least 1 element of the type specified.
Public methodContainsLocalSyncOverrides
Returns true if there's at least one schema which has a localsyncsourceoverride set.
Protected methodDeserializeAdditionalAttributes
Deserializes attributes of this element's base class from the reader.
(Inherited from DBElementBase.)
Public methodDeserializeFromReader
Deserializes from reader. Reader is positioned on the Catalog element
Public methodDispose
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from DBElementBase.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodExclude
Excludes this instance from the project / meta-container it's in.
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodFindSchemaByName(String)
Finds the schema with the name specified.
Public methodFindSchemaByName(String, Boolean)
Finds the schema with the name specified.
Public methodGetAllChangedElements
Gets all changed elements of type typeOfElementsToRetrieve
Public methodGetAllConstraintsToDropForUpdate
Gets all constraints of type typeOfElementsToRetrieve from this catalog which affect a changed element. Used for update DDL SQL scripts to be able to drop constraints before DDL SQL statements are executed. If typeofElementsToRetrieve isn't a constraint type, an empty set is returned.
Public methodGetAllElementNames
Gets the element names of all elements contained in this catalog in DBSchemaElementNameContainer instances
Public methodGetAllElementsMarkedForDeletion
Gets all elements of type typeOfElementsToRetrieve from this catalog which are marked for deletion
Public methodGetAllFkConstraintsReferencingTable
Gets all fk constraints which reference the specified table as the pk side.
Public methodGetAllMappableTargets
Gets all mappable targets from this catalog from all its schemas.
Public methodGetAllNewElements
Gets all new elements of type typeOfElementsToRetrieve
Public methodGetAllRenamedElements
Gets all renamed elements of type typeOfElementsToRetrieve from this catalog
Public methodGetAllSchemasFilteredBySyncSource
Gets all schemas filtered by synchronize source.
Public methodGetAllUsedConstraintNames
Gets all used constraint names in all schemas in this catalog. All names are added lowercase.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetOrCreateSchemaForNewSubElement
Finds or creates the schema with the name specified. If a schema with the name specified is found, it has to accept new elements according to its sync source, otherwise a new one is created, if this catalog accepts new elements, otherwise null is returned.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodHandleContainedListChangedTChangeType
Handles the contained list changed.
(Inherited from DBElementBase.)
Public methodLoadLocalSyncSourceOverrides
Loads the local sync source overrides from the file open by the reader specified, for the schemas in this catalog.
Public methodLogError
Logs an error in the ErrorLog structure of this object.
(Inherited from DBElementBase.)
Public methodLogWarning
Logs the description as a warning.
(Inherited from DBElementBase.)
Protected methodMarkElementAsChangedTChangeType
Marks the element as changed.
(Inherited from DBElementBase.)
Public methodMarkElementAsRemoved
Marks the element as removed, which raises the ElementRemoved event.
(Inherited from DBElementBase.)
Public methodMarkInvalidFkAndUniqueConstraintsForDeletion
Marks the invalid fk and unique constraints for deletion. If the containing schema has its sync source set to 'database', the elements are ignored.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodObtainAndInsertFkConstraintObjectsFromMetaData
Obtains the fk constraint objects from meta data and adds them to the tables in the schemas in this catalog.
Public methodObtainAndInsertUniqueConstraintObjectsFromMetaData
Obtains the unique constraint objects from meta data and adds them to the tables in the schemas in this catalog.
Protected methodOnContainedElementAdded
Called when this object received an event of type ContainedElementAdded
(Inherited from DBElementBase.)
Protected methodOnContainedElementChanged
Called when this object received an event of type ContainedElementChanged
(Inherited from DBElementBase.)
Protected methodOnContainedElementRemoved
Called when this object received an event of type ContainedElementRemoved
(Inherited from DBElementBase.)
Protected methodOnPropertyChanged
Raises the PropertyChanged event.
(Inherited from DBElementBase.)
Protected methodPerformAdditionalContainedElementChangedWork
Performs the additional contained element changed work.
(Overrides DBElementBasePerformAdditionalContainedElementChangedWork(ContainedElementActionEventArgs).)
Public methodPerformPostDDLSQLExportActions
Performs the post DDLSQL export actions, which means that all change trackers are reset, all elements marked for deletion are removed and all elements which are marked as created by designer have their flag reset.
Public methodResetErrorLog
Resets the Error Log for this object to an empty list.
(Inherited from DBElementBase.)
Public methodRetrieveRelationshipModel
Retrieves all the relationships between all known tables in all schemas of the catalog passed in, into a graph.
Public methodSaveLocalSyncSourceOverrides
Saves the local sync source overrides for this catalog to the file open by the writer specified. Assumes there's at least one schema with LocalOverrideSyncSource set to a value.
Protected methodSerializeAdditionalAttributes
Serializes the additional attributes.
(Inherited from DBElementBase.)
Public methodSerializeToWriter
Serializes the data in this class to the serializer passed in
Public methodSetDateTimeOnModelSyncedSchemas
Sets the date time of last sync on model synced schemas. This is required as the last step to avoid a lot of logic inside the schemas: we know which elements are synced, so we can set the date in one swoop
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
See Also