

The following fields are defined in the FnCustomersIndexerTypedView typed view

Name Type Optional Read-only Max. length Precision Scale
Index int (System.Int32) 0 10 0
CustomerId string (System.String) 5 0 0
CompanyName string (System.String) 40 0 0
ContactName string (System.String) Yes 30 0 0
ContactTitle string (System.String) Yes 30 0 0
Address string (System.String) Yes 60 0 0
City string (System.String) Yes 15 0 0
Region string (System.String) Yes 15 0 0
PostalCode string (System.String) Yes 10 0 0
Country string (System.String) Yes 15 0 0
Phone string (System.String) Yes 24 0 0
Fax string (System.String) Yes 24 0 0


Northwind.dbo.fnCustomersIndexer.Resultset1 (SQL Server (SqlClient))

Type of target: Table valued function resultset

Typed View Field Target field Nullable Type Length Precision Scale Type converter
Address Address Yes nvarchar 60 0 0
City City Yes nvarchar 15 0 0
CompanyName CompanyName nvarchar 40 0 0
ContactName ContactName Yes nvarchar 30 0 0
ContactTitle ContactTitle Yes nvarchar 30 0 0
Country Country Yes nvarchar 15 0 0
CustomerId CustomerID nchar 5 0 0
Fax Fax Yes nvarchar 24 0 0
Index Index int 0 10 0
Phone Phone Yes nvarchar 24 0 0
PostalCode PostalCode Yes nvarchar 10 0 0
Region Region Yes nvarchar 15 0 0

Code generation information

Setting values

FnCustomersIndexerTypedView (TypedView)

Setting name Value
Typed view row base class name
Output type TypedDataTable

Address (TypedViewField)

Setting name Value
Generate as nullable type True

City (TypedViewField)

Setting name Value
Generate as nullable type True

CompanyName (TypedViewField)

Setting name Value
Generate as nullable type True

ContactName (TypedViewField)

Setting name Value
Generate as nullable type True

ContactTitle (TypedViewField)

Setting name Value
Generate as nullable type True

Country (TypedViewField)

Setting name Value
Generate as nullable type True

CustomerId (TypedViewField)

Setting name Value
Generate as nullable type True

Fax (TypedViewField)

Setting name Value
Generate as nullable type True

Index (TypedViewField)

Setting name Value
Generate as nullable type True

Phone (TypedViewField)

Setting name Value
Generate as nullable type True

PostalCode (TypedViewField)

Setting name Value
Generate as nullable type True

Region (TypedViewField)

Setting name Value
Generate as nullable type True

Attribute definitions per element


Additional interface definitions per element


Additional namespace definitions per element
