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DataAccessAdapterCoreInsertPersistenceInfoObjects Method

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Protected methodInsertPersistenceInfoObjects(IDbFunctionCall)
Inserts the persistence info objects into the function call object passed in, for every field object present as parameter in the function call.
Protected methodInsertPersistenceInfoObjects(IDerivedTableDefinition)
Inserts the persistence info objects into the objects of the passed in derived table.
Protected methodInsertPersistenceInfoObjects(IEntityField2)
Inserts the persistence info objects on all objects referenced by the passed in field.
Protected methodInsertPersistenceInfoObjects(IExpression)
Inserts for each entityfield in the expression the persistence info object
Protected methodInsertPersistenceInfoObjects(IGroupByCollection)
Inserts for each entityfield in the collection the persistence info object
Protected methodInsertPersistenceInfoObjects(IPredicateExpression)
Inserts in each predicate expression element the persistence info object for the field used. If there is already a fieldpersistenceinfo element for a given field, it is skipped.
Protected methodInsertPersistenceInfoObjects(IRelationCollection)
Inserts in each entityrelation object the persistence info objects for the fields referenced.
Protected methodInsertPersistenceInfoObjects(IScalarQueryExpression)
Inserts the persistence info objects into the scalar query expression object passed in.
Protected methodInsertPersistenceInfoObjects(ISortExpression)
Inserts in each SortClause object the persistence info object for the field referenced.
Protected methodInsertPersistenceInfoObjects(TableValuedFunctionCall)
Inserts the persistence info objects into objects of the passed in tvfcall.
Protected methodInsertPersistenceInfoObjects(WindowPartition)
Inserts in the elements inside the windowpartition specified the persistence info.
Protected methodInsertPersistenceInfoObjects(WindowSpecification)
Inserts in the elements inside the specified windowspecification the persistence info.
See Also