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SD.LLBLGen.Pro.GeneratorCore Namespace

Public classCodeGenerationEngineBase
Abstract class for code generation engines, like the TDL engine and the .NET template engine.
Public classGenerator
Implementation of IGenerator which execute a given set of tasks.
Public classGeneratorConstants
Class for constants which can be used in templates for interacting with the IGenerator instance.
Public classGeneratorUtils
General purpose class which contains helper methods for lpt and tdl template engines and templates so less code has to be written inside templates / template engines.
Public classRelationshipInfo
Helper class which is used to return relationship info to code generators through GeneratorUtils.
Public classStoredProcResultsetMappingInfo
Class which contains information about the mapping of a stored procedure resultset. This info can be used to generate output for elements mapped onto resultsets of stored procedures.
Public classTaskPerformerBase
Abstract base class for Task performers.
Public classTypedListLinqJoinInfo
Helper class which is used by a TypedListLinqQueryChunkInfo and which contains the relevant info for a typed list relationship which represents a join. the information is stored in such a way that it's ready to use for producing linq queries, so right-joins are converted to left-joins automatically.
Public classTypedListLinqQueryChunkInfo
Class which contains the info to produce an intermediate query using Linq which combined with the queries from other chunks forms the linq query for a typedlist.
Protected enumerationCodeGenerationEngineBaseEmitType
Emit type enum for the code generation engines derived from this class.