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ModelInfoProviderBase Class

Abstract base class for the InfoProvider generated class which contains both the field info provider and the inheritance info provider.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ORMSupportClasses
Assembly:  SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ORMSupportClasses (in SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ORMSupportClasses.dll) Version: (
public abstract class ModelInfoProviderBase : IModelInfoProvider, 
	IFieldInfoProvider, IInheritanceInfoProvider

The ModelInfoProviderBase type exposes the following members.

Protected methodModelInfoProviderBase
Protected methodAddElementFieldInfo
Adds an element field info object for the element name.elementfieldname field.
Protected methodAddEntityInfo(String, String, IEntityFactoryCore, Int32, Object)
Adds a new entity to the store. The supertype name is enough to build the complete hierarchy.
Protected methodAddEntityInfo(String, String, IRelationFactory, IEntityFactoryCore, Int32)
Adds a new entity to the store. The supertype name is enough to build the complete hierarchy.
Protected methodAddFieldIndexEnumForElementName
Adds the field index enum - element name pair
Protected methodBuildInternalStructures
Builds the internal datastructures from the information added to this object
Public methodCheckIfIsSubTypeOf
Determines if typeToCheck is a subtype of superType.
Public methodCreateField2
Creates an EntityField2 representing the field with the index specified
Public methodCreateHierarchyRelationTField
Creates a new hierarchy relation using the fields specified. A hierarchy relation is a 1:1 relation used for inheritance information.
Public methodCreateRelationTField
Creates a new relation object from the information specified.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetAllEntityNamesInProvider
Gets all entity names in the provider.
Public methodGetEntityFactory
Retrieves the factory for the entity represented by the values passed in, or null if entityName isn't present. The values have to represent an entity of the type entityName or a subtype of that type.
Protected methodGetEntityFieldCoreArray(String)
Gets the entity fields for the entity passed in. Only the fields defined in the entity are returned
Protected methodGetEntityFieldCoreArray(String, IPersistenceInfoProvider)
Gets the entity fields for the entity passed in. Only the fields defined in the entity are returned
Public methodGetEntityFields(String)
Fills the entity fields object for the adapter entity with the name specified.
Public methodGetEntityFields(String, IPersistenceInfoProvider)
Fills the entity fields object for the selfservicing entity with the name specified.
Public methodGetEntityFieldsArray(String)
Gets the entity fields array.
Public methodGetEntityFieldsArray(String, IPersistenceInfoProvider)
Gets the entity fields array.
Public methodGetEntityNamesOnHierarchyPath
Gets the entity names on hierarchy path, from this entity to the root starting with the root of the hierarchy and ending with the name specified as entityName. If entityName entity is a root entity, this collection contains one name: entityName.
Public methodGetEntityTypeFilter(String, Boolean)
Gets a predicateexpression which filters on the entity with type 'entityName'. Example of a valid name is 'CustomerEntity'.
Public methodGetEntityTypeFilter(String, String, Boolean)
Gets a predicateexpression which filters on the entity with type 'entityName'. Example of a valid name is 'CustomerEntity'.
Public methodGetEntityTypeFilters
Gets the entity type filters for the entity names specified. It will use the object aliases specified for the entity names. It will filter out entities which are in a hierarchy of type TargetPerEntity and will also filter out supertypes if the subtype is also in the list. Routine is used to add type filters to typedlists automatically for fields in TargetPerEntityHierarchy hierarchies.
Public methodGetFieldIndexes
Gets the field indexes object for the element passed in. This is an object which is used by EntityFields(2) objects to quickly find a field based on the field name.
Public methodGetFieldInfo(Enum)
Gets the field info for the field specified with the field index.
Public methodGetFieldInfo(String, Int32)
Gets the field info for the field passed in for the element passed in
Public methodGetFieldInfo(String, String)
Gets the field info for the field passed in for the element passed in
Public methodGetFieldInfos
Gets the field infos for the element passed in.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHierarchyFieldAlias
Gets the hierarchy field alias to use for targeting this field in an entity fetch. The alias is of the format FentityIndex_fieldIndex which is the same alias as for the fields returned by GetHierarchyFields.
Public methodGetHierarchyFields
This method returns an array of IEntityFieldCore objects which contains all fields of all entities on the path: entityName upwards to the root and entityName downwards to all leafs reachable from entityName, including entityName.
Public methodGetHierarchyRelations(ListString, String)
This method returns all relations from the lowest entity found in the passed in entityNames to the root and from the lowest entityName downwards to all the reachable leafs from entityName. All relations to the root are INNER JOIN, all relations from the lowest entityName to leafs are LEFT JOIN
Public methodGetHierarchyRelations(String, String)
This method returns all relations from the entityName to the root and from the entityName downwards to all the reachable leafs from entityName. All relations to the root are INNER JOIN, all relations from entityName to leafs are LEFT JOIN
Public methodGetHierarchyRelations(String, String, Boolean)
This method returns all relations from the entityName to the root and from the entityName downwards to all the reachable leafs from entityName, if includePathsToReachableLeafs is set to true. All relations to the root are INNER JOIN, all relations from entityName to leafs are LEFT JOIN
Public methodGetHierarchyType
Gets the type of the hierarchy.
Public methodGetInheritanceInfo
Gets an IInheritanceInfo object with the inheritance information for the entity with the supplied name.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetTypedViewFields(String)
Gets the entityfields2 object for the typedview with the name specified (e.g. "InvoicesTypedView")
Public methodGetTypedViewFields(String, IPersistenceInfoProvider)
Gets the entityfields object for the typedview with the name specified (e.g. "InvoicesTypedView")
Protected methodInitClass
Initializes the class
Public methodIsEntityInInheritanceHierarchy
Determines whether the entity with the name specified is in an inheritance hierarchy or not.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
See Also