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EntityViewBaseTEntity Methods

The EntityViewBaseTEntity generic type exposes the following members.

Protected methodAddNew
Adds a new entity through databinding.
Protected methodApplySort(ListSortDescriptionCollection)
Sorts the data source based on the given ListSortDescriptionCollection.
Protected methodApplySort(PropertyDescriptor, ListSortDirection)
Sorts the list based on a PropertyDescriptor and a ListSortDirection.
Public methodContains
Determines whether this entity view contains the entity passed in. This method returns false if the entity is outside the filter, but in the related entity collection, as it's then not contained in the entity view.
Public methodCopyTo
Copies the elements of the ICollection to an Array, starting at a particular Array index.
Protected methodCreateDummyInstance
Creates a dummy instance for the related entity collection of this view. This is done using the entityfactory of that entitycollection.
Protected methodCreateProjection
Creates a projection of the current view data, using the passed in field projections and the projector.
Public methodDispose
Releases all resources used by the MarshalByValueComponent.
(Inherited from MarshalByValueComponent.)
Protected methodDispose(Boolean)
Releases the unmanaged resources used by the MarshalByValueComponent and optionally releases the managed resources.
(Overrides MarshalByValueComponentDispose(Boolean).)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize (Inherited from MarshalByValueComponent.)
Protected methodFind
Returns the index of the row that has the given PropertyDescriptor.
Protected methodGetEntityAtIndex
Gets the entity at the specofied index in the view.
Protected methodGetEntityFieldPropertyDescriptors
Gets the entity field property descriptors for the dummy instance passed in.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetItemProperties
Returns the PropertyDescriptorCollection that represents the properties on each item used to bind data.
Public methodGetListName
Returns the name of the list.
Public methodGetPropertyDescriptors
Gets the property descriptors for the entity passed in. This is a dummy instance, and used to produce the property descriptors.
Public methodGetService
Gets the implementer of the IServiceProvider.
(Inherited from MarshalByValueComponent.)
Protected methodGetSortProperty
Gets the property descriptor for the first sortclause.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodIndexOf
Determines the index of the entity passed in in the entity view in filtered and sorted state.
Protected methodInitClassCore
Inits the class.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodOnListChanged
Called when something changes in the related list or this view.
Public methodRefresh
Refreshes this view by re-applying filter and sorter on the related collection
Protected methodRemove
Removes the specified entity from the related collection, if the entity is in the view.
Protected methodRemoveAt
Removes the item at the specified index in this view from the related collection
Protected methodRemoveSort
Removes any sort applied using ApplySort(PropertyDescriptor, ListSortDirection).
Protected methodSetFilter
Applies the filter specified to the set related collection
Protected methodSetSorter
Sets the sort expression for the filtered entities in this view. It sorts the entities which are in this view,
Public methodToString
Returns a String containing the name of the Component, if any. This method should not be overridden.
(Inherited from MarshalByValueComponent.)
Explicit Interface Implementations
Explicit interface implementationPrivate methodIListAdd
Not supported. Use AddNew() or add a new object to the related entity collection.
Explicit interface implementationPrivate methodIBindingListAddIndex
Adds the PropertyDescriptor to the indexes used for searching.
Explicit interface implementationPrivate methodIBindingListAddNew
Adds a new item to the list.
Explicit interface implementationPrivate methodIBindingListApplySort
Sorts the list based on a PropertyDescriptor and a ListSortDirection.
Explicit interface implementationPrivate methodIBindingListViewApplySort
Sorts the data source based on the given ListSortDescriptionCollection.
Explicit interface implementationPrivate methodIListClear
Not supported. Clear the related entity collection instead.
Explicit interface implementationPrivate methodIListContains
Determines whether the IList contains a specific value.
Explicit interface implementationPrivate methodICollectionCopyTo
Copies the elements of the ICollection to an Array, starting at a particular Array index.
Explicit interface implementationPrivate methodIBindingListFind
Returns the index of the row that has the given PropertyDescriptor.
Explicit interface implementationPrivate methodIEnumerableTEntityGetEnumerator
Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
Explicit interface implementationPrivate methodIEnumerableGetEnumerator
Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection.
Explicit interface implementationPrivate methodIListIndexOf
Determines the index of a specific item in the IList.
Explicit interface implementationPrivate methodIListInsert
Not supported. Insert a new entity in the related collection instead.
Explicit interface implementationPrivate methodIListRemove
Not supported. Remove the entity from the related collection instead.
Explicit interface implementationPrivate methodIListRemoveAt
Not supported. Remove the entity from the related collection instead.
Explicit interface implementationPrivate methodIBindingListViewRemoveFilter
Removes the current filter applied to the data source.
Explicit interface implementationPrivate methodIBindingListRemoveIndex
Removes the PropertyDescriptor from the indexes used for searching.
Explicit interface implementationPrivate methodIBindingListRemoveSort
Removes any sort applied using ApplySort(PropertyDescriptor, ListSortDirection).
Explicit interface implementationPrivate methodIEntityViewCoreIndexOf
Determines the index of the entity passed in in the entity view in filtered and sorted state.
Explicit interface implementationPrivate methodIEntityViewCoreRefresh
Refreshes this view by re-applying filter and sorter on the related collection
See Also