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DBCatalog Properties

The DBCatalog type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllowsNewElements
Gets a value indicating whether new elements can be created into this container. Returns true if sync source is set to Model or Mixed, false otherwise.
Public propertyCatalogName
The name of the catalog
Public propertyCreatedByDesigner
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this element is created by the designer from mappings (true) or that it was created from meta-data retrieved from the database (false, default).
(Inherited from DBElementBase.)
Public propertyCustomProperties
Gets the Custom properties (name - value pairs) read from the schema.
(Inherited from DBElementBase.)
Protected propertyDeserializing
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is deserializing.
(Inherited from DBElementBase.)
Public propertyErrorLog
Gets the complete ErrorLog for this object.
(Inherited from DBElementBase.)
Public propertyFullName
Gets the full name.
(Inherited from DBElementBase.)
Public propertyFullNameForXml
Gets the full name for XML. This is a name which has the format schemaname:elementname or schemaname:elementname:fieldname. Used for references.
(Inherited from DBElementBase.)
Public propertyFullNameForXmlWithCatalog
Gets the full name for XML. This is a name which has the format catalogname:schemaname:elementname or catalogname:schemaname:elementname:fieldname. Used for references.
(Inherited from DBElementBase.)
Public propertyLastSyncWithDatabaseUTC
Gets or sets the last date/time this element was synchronized with a database. If null, it means 'never'. DateTime in UTC format.
Public propertyLastSyncWithModelUTC
Gets or sets the last date/time this element was synchronized with a model. If null, it means 'never'. DateTime in UTC format.
Public propertyMarkedForDeletion
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this element is marked for deletion.
(Inherited from DBElementBase.)
Public propertySchemas
List of schemas in this catalog
Public propertySyncSource
Gets or sets the synchronize source.
Protected propertyTypeOfDBElement
Gets the type of DB element in the form of a ContainedElementType value.
(Overrides DBElementBaseTypeOfDBElement.)
Public propertyUsedDriverID
Gets the driver ID of the driver used to fill the catalog's meta-data.
Explicit Interface Implementations
See Also