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DependencyInjectionInfoAttribute Properties

The DependencyInjectionInfoAttribute type exposes the following members.

Public propertyContextType
Gets / sets contextType. ContextType is the specification of what kind of instance is injected: a shared instance (Singleton) or a new instance each time an injection has to be made (NewInstancePerTarget, default).
Public propertyProperty
Gets / sets the propertyinfo object for the property to go.
Public propertyPropertyName
Gets / sets propertyName, which is the name of the property to set with the instance of the type annotated with this attribute.
Public propertyTargetKind
Gets / sets targetKind. Targetkind defines which types get the instance injected: only the specified type (absolute) or also all subtypes (hierarchy, default). If this property is set to a value and TargetType is an interface, TargetKind will be reset to Absolute.
Public propertyTargetNamespaceFilter
Gets / sets the targetNamespaceFilter string which contains semi-colon (;) separated names, or fragments of names of namespaces to limit implementations of TargetType to, when TargetType is an interface. If any fragment specified is found as the start of the type’s namespace name, that type is a valid target. Optional. If no targetnamespacefilter is specified, all types are targeted.
Public propertyTargetType
Gets / sets targetType, into which to inject an instance of the type annotated with this attribute. Can be an interface, in which case all types which implement the interface and thus with the specified propertyName will get the instance type injected (if applicable)
Public propertyTypeId
When implemented in a derived class, gets a unique identifier for this Attribute.
(Inherited from Attribute.)
See Also