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FieldCompareSetPredicate Properties

The FieldCompareSetPredicate type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllowDuplicatesInSubQuery
Gets or sets a value indicating whether duplicates are allowed (true, default) in the subquery or not (false). On most databases this has no effect, but on e.g. Oracle it can be beneficial to specify false (which emits DISTINCT) to force the optimizer to use an index, if applicable.
Public propertyDatabaseSpecificCreator
Object which will be used to create valid parameter objects, field names, including prefix/postfix characters, and conversion routines, and field names, including prefix/postfix characters. Uses the strategy pattern so the generic code can work with more than one target database.
(Inherited from Predicate.)
Public propertyField
Field used in the comparison expression (SelfServicing).
Public propertyFieldCore
Field used in the comparison expression (IEntityFieldCore).
Public propertyGroupByClause
Gets / sets the groupByClause for this FieldCompareSetPredicate instance
Public propertyInstanceType
The PredicateType of this instance. Used to determine the instance nature without a lot of casting.
(Inherited from Predicate.)
Public propertyMaxNumberOfItemsToReturn
Gets / sets maxNumberOfItemsToReturn for the subquery. Default: 0 (return all rows)
Public propertyNegate
Flag for setting the Predicate to negate itself, i.e. to add 'NOT' to its result.
(Inherited from Predicate.)
Public propertyObjectAlias
Alias for the object the field belongs to. Used to identify which entity to use when the entity is present multiple times in a relation collection. Alias has to match an alias specified in the relation collection or should be left empty if no alias is specified (or no relation collection is used).
(Inherited from Predicate.)
Public propertyOperatorToUse
Operator to use in the comparison
Public propertyParameters
The list of parameters created when the Predicate was translated to text usable in a query. Only valid after a succesful call to ToQueryText
(Inherited from Predicate.)
Public propertyPersistenceInfoField
Gets / sets persistenceInfo for field
Public propertyPersistenceInfoSetField
Gets / sets persistenceInfo for Setfield
Public propertySetField
Field used in the subquery (the field the set is of) (SelfServicing).
Public propertySetFieldCore
Field used in the subquery (the field the set is of) (SelfServicing).
Public propertySetFilter
Gets / sets the filter to use in the subquery
Public propertySetFilterAsPredicateExpression
Wraps SetFilter in an IPredicateExpression instance
Public propertySetRelations
Gets / sets the set relations to use in the subquery.
Public propertySetSorter
Gets / sets the setSorter expression to order the subquery results. Use it in combination with MaxNumberOfItemsToReturn set to 1
See Also