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DBCatalogRetriever Properties

The DBCatalogRetriever type exposes the following members.

Protected propertyAdditionalActionsPerSchema
Gets the additional actions to perform per schema.
Public propertyCreatedByDesigner
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this element is created by the designer from mappings (true) or that it was created from meta-data retrieved from the database (false, default).
(Inherited from DBElementBase.)
Public propertyCustomProperties
Gets the Custom properties (name - value pairs) read from the schema.
(Inherited from DBElementBase.)
Protected propertyDeserializing
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is deserializing.
(Inherited from DBElementBase.)
Public propertyDriverToUse
Gets the driver to use.
Public propertyErrorLog
Gets the complete ErrorLog for this object.
(Inherited from DBElementBase.)
Public propertyFullName
Gets the full name.
(Inherited from DBElementBase.)
Public propertyFullNameForXml
Gets the full name for XML. This is a name which has the format schemaname:elementname or schemaname:elementname:fieldname. Used for references.
(Inherited from DBElementBase.)
Public propertyFullNameForXmlWithCatalog
Gets the full name for XML. This is a name which has the format catalogname:schemaname:elementname or catalogname:schemaname:elementname:fieldname. Used for references.
(Inherited from DBElementBase.)
Public propertyMarkedForDeletion
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this element is marked for deletion.
(Inherited from DBElementBase.)
Public propertySubTaskProgressInitHandler
The handler of the SubTaskProgressInitCallBack to initialize the subtask progress cycle. Parameter is the number of subtasks
Public propertySubTaskProgressTaskCompletedHandler
The handler of the SubTaskProgressTaskCompletedCallBack to log the completion of a subtask.
Public propertySubTaskProgressTaskStartHandler
The handler of the SubTaskProgressTaskStartCallBack to log the start of a subtask. Parameter is the description to show.
Public propertyTaskProgressInitHandler
The handler of the TaskProgressInitCallBack to initialize a task progress cycle. Parameter is the number of tasks (1...)
Public propertyTaskProgressTaskCompletedHandler
The handler of the TaskProgressTaskCompletedCallBack to log the completion of a task.
Public propertyTaskProgressTaskStartHandler
The handler of the TaskProgressTaskStartCallBack to log the start of a task. Parameter is the description to show.
Protected propertyTypeOfDBElement
Gets the type of DB element in the form of a ContainedElementType value.
(Overrides DBElementBaseTypeOfDBElement.)
See Also