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DBSchemaElementNameContainer Properties

The DBSchemaElementNameContainer type exposes the following members.

Public propertySchemaName
Gets the name of the schema.
Public propertySchemaSyncSourceType
Gets or sets the sync source the schema uses. This affects the way the UI will allow the user to select/specify tables from the DB or not and whether tables are obtained from the DB at all or not: if it's set to Model or Mixed, no tables are obtained from the db.
Public propertyStoredProcedureNames
Gets the names of stored procedures which meta-data to retrieve
Public propertySynonymNames
Gets the names of synonyms which meta-data to retrieve
Public propertyTableNames
Gets the names of tables which meta-data to retrieve
Public propertyTableValuedFunctionNames
Gets the names of table valued functions which meta-data to retrieve
Public propertyViewNames
Gets the names of views which meta-data to retrieve
See Also