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SyncWithModelTask Properties

The SyncWithModelTask type exposes the following members.

Protected propertyCallbacksSet
Gets the callbacks set.
(Inherited from SyncTaskBase.)
Public propertyCurrentProject
Gets or sets the current project.
(Inherited from SyncTaskBase.)
Public propertyInvolvedElementsDescription
Gets the involved elements description. Include an Environment.NewLine to show elements on a new line. For UI binding purposes.
(Overrides SyncTaskBaseInvolvedElementsDescription.)
Public propertyPreferences
Gets or sets the preferences currently being active.
(Inherited from SyncTaskBase.)
Public propertySourceDescription
Gets the source description of where the task will obtain the data to sync with from.
(Overrides SyncTaskBaseSourceDescription.)
Protected propertyTaskResultDescription
Gets the task result description.
(Overrides SyncTaskBaseTaskResultDescription.)
Public propertyTypeDescription
Gets the type description of the task for UI binding purposes.
(Overrides SyncTaskBaseTypeDescription.)
See Also