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FieldMapping Properties

The FieldMapping type exposes the following members.

Public propertyContainingMapping
Gets the containing mapping.
Public propertyError
Gets an error message indicating what is wrong with this object. The default is an empty string ("")
Public propertyIsValid
Gets a value indicating whether this mapping is valid.
Public propertyItem
Gets the String with the specified column name.
Public propertyMappedFieldFieldIndex
Gets the field index of the mapped field.
Public propertyMappedFieldInstance
Gets the mapped field instance, the real field mapped in this mapping
Public propertyMappedFieldName
Gets the name of the mapped field.
Public propertyMappedFieldNameForXml
Gets the mapped field name for XML.
Public propertyMappedFieldTypeAsString
Gets the .NET type of the type of the mapped field as string
Public propertyMappedFieldWrapper
Gets the mapped field wrapper, which wraps the MappedFieldInstance and provides the full path from the original field to the MappedFieldInstance.
Public propertyMappedTarget
Gets or sets the mapped target.
Public propertySequenceToUse
Gets or sets the sequence to use.
Public propertyTypeConverterToUse
Gets or sets the type converter to use.
See Also