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SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ApplicationCore.DerivedModel Namespace
Public classDerivedModelDefinition
Class which defines a derived model, and which contains documentdefinitions which together form the derived model.
Public classDerivedModelDefinitionList
Public classDerivedModelSettings
Class which contains the settings specifically for a derived model instance. It can serialize/deserialize itself to/from xml.
Public classDocumentDefinitionBase
Class which defines a document base functionality, which is a de-normalized definition of a subgraph inside an entity model. Subtypes define documents that either can be used as root documents or as embedded documents.
Public classDocumentDefinitionListT
Class which defines a list of document definitions and performs auto-maintenance on itself based on what happens with the contents.
Public classDocumentFieldDefinition
Class which represents a document field, and which includes its source.
Public classDocumentFieldDefinitionList
Class which defines a list for document fields.
Public classDocumentGatherer
Class which gathers all documents in a document, both root and embedded documents.
Public classDocumentVisitor
Traverses a document from root to all the leaves. The visitor uses depth-first traversal.
Public classEmbeddedDocumentDefinition
Class which defines an embedded document functionality, which is a de-normalized definition of a subgraph inside an entity model. Embedded documents can only be used as a source of document fields of embedded documents or root documents.
Public classEntityFieldSource
Class which represents an entity field in an entity, being used as the source of a field in a document
Public classFieldDenormalizer
Denormalizes the fields specified from their own document to the parent document, if applicable. It assumes all fields specified are in the same document, it can't denormalize fields from different documents in one go: to do that for each source document a call to this class has to be made.
Public classReferencedElement
Class which represents a referenced element in the entity model graph, reachable using the navigation paths contained, starting from the root document's referenced element.
Public classReferencedEntity
Class which represents a referenced entity in a derived model element.
Public classReferencedValueType
Class which represents a referenced valuetype in a derived model element.
Public classRootDocumentBuilder
Class which can build root document instances based on entity model elements passed into it. It uses internal state to keep track of documents currently build so to build a full document, it has to be used with all actions on the document. Is used in conjunction with tree visitors.
Public classRootDocumentDefinition
Class which defines a root document definition, which is used to define a document at the root level in the DerivedModelDefinition.
Public classSourceNavigatorPath
Class which defines the path from the root entity of the containing document to a related entity of that root entity.
Public classSourceValueTypePath
Class which defines the path of valuetype typed fields from the entity of the containing ReferencedEntity to a related valueType of that root entity. Example: Customer has field VisitingAddress (of type AddressVT, valuetype), and AddressVT has field ZipCode (of type ZipCodeVT, valuetype). for the fields in the AddressVT based document, their instances of this class contain the field 'VisitingAddress'. for the fields in the ZipCodeVT based document, their instances of this class contain 'VisitingAddress' and 'ZipCode'.