Newbie - MySQL to SQLExpress Upgrade Path

Posts: 51
Joined: 03-Jun-2007
# Posted on: 24-Jun-2007 10:48:09   

I'm new to LLBLGen and its methodogy and I'm hoping someone with more experience can make sure I'm on the right track. Here is the situation.

Current Codebase: ASP - VBScript Current Database: MySQL 5.x (plural table names and prefixes everywhere tbl & column names)

New Codecase: ASP.Net 2.0 (VB.Net) New Database: Microsoft SQL (after code is upgraded and using new schema)

I need to upgrade an existing ASP website using MySQL 5.x to ASP.Net (VB) still using the MySQL database for the time being (just purchased crlab's mysqldirect driver for this purpose).

Once the .net upgrade is done I want to move to MS SQL and use an update database schema which follows more closely to the standards (single table names no prefix).

How difficult will it be when I'm ready to move from the old hungarian notated MySQL database to the new SQL database using LLBLGen?

Should I try to rename all the classes in LLBLGen to match the new MSSQL schema after it reads the existing MySQL database? Or is there a better method?

Existing MySQL Schema examples: tblUsers - intID (pk) - strUsername - strPassword - intActive (bit) - dtmCreated (datetime)

tblUserContacts - intID (pk) - intUserID (fk but not mapped in db) - strFirstName - strLastName

tblUserLocations - intID - intUserID (fk but not mapped in db) - strAddress1 - strCity

New MSSQL Schema examples: User - User_ID (pk) - Username - Password - Is_Active (bool) - Date_Created (datetime)

UserContact - UserContact_ID (pk) - User_ID (fk & mapped via diagram in db) - FirstName - LastName

UserLocation - UserLocation_ID (pk) - User_ID (fk & mapped via diagram in db) - Address1 - City

I basically want to code to the new MSSQL schema while still mapping back to the MySQL schema.

I hope I've made my situation and goals clear. If not please feel free to ask me.

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LLBLGen Pro Team
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Joined: 17-Aug-2003
# Posted on: 24-Jun-2007 11:58:09   

You could use the project converter tool we have available in the customer area (Extras section).

With that, you can convert a mysql project to sqlserver, and then generate DDL from that project using the DDL templates. Use the sqlserver ddl sql to create an initial schema and go from there.

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro