What's new in Entity Framework support in LLBLGen Pro v5.0

This section describes all changes, new additions, breaking changes and fixes made to the Entity Framework support.

What's new in Entity Framework support in LLBLGen Pro v5.0

No additions have been made to Entity Framework support in v5.0.

What's new in Entity Framework support in LLBLGen Pro v4.2

  • Entity Framework 6: Code First support. Code first is now fully supported for Entity Framework v6.
  • Entity Framework 6: Unintended Code First triggering interception support added For normal DbContext usage the OnModelCreating method is also overriden in DbContext, and will throw an exception, as it will only be invoked if the user has specified the connection string wrong, which will cause EF to go into CodeFirst mode.

What's new in Entity Framework support in LLBLGen Pro v4.1

  • Entity Framework 6 support. Entity Framework v6 is now fully supported.
  • New settings for Spatial types and StoreGeneratedPattern control. These settings are available on Entity Framework v5 and up.