Filtering a dynamic list

Posts: 18
Joined: 17-Dec-2004
# Posted on: 16-Feb-2006 15:08:00   


I'm trying to filter a dynamic list and somehow it doesn't work. When I do not apply the filter the dynamic list return exactly what I want so that part looks good. When using the defined filter I get an error:

_The column prefix 'dbo.Zoekopdrachten' does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query. _

Hope someone sees the error I made.

BTW I'm using selfservicing with version 1.0.2004.1

        Dim filter As IPredicateExpression = New PredicateExpression
        Dim dateStart As Date = DatumVanaf.SelectedDate
        Dim dateEnd As Date = DatumTotEnMet.SelectedDate

        filter.Add(FactoryClasses.PredicateFactory.Between(ZoekopdrachtenFieldIndex.Datum, dateStart, dateEnd))
        Dim fldsTrefwoorden As New HelperClasses.ResultsetFields(2)
        fldsTrefwoorden.DefineField(ZoekopdrachtenFieldIndex.Trefwoord, 0, "Trefwoord", "Trefwoord")
        fldsTrefwoorden.DefineField(ZoekopdrachtenFieldIndex.Trefwoord, 1, "Aantal", "Trefwoord", AggregateFunction.Count)

        Dim groupByClause As IGroupByCollection = New GroupByCollection

        Dim dlTrefwoorden As New DataTable
        Dim dao As New DaoClasses.TypedListDAO
        dao.GetMultiAsDataTable(fldsTrefwoorden, dlTrefwoorden, 0, Nothing, filter, Nothing, True, groupByClause, Nothing, 0, 0)

Walaa avatar
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# Posted on: 16-Feb-2006 15:15:50   

That's because you have defined an alias for the table (entityAlias) in your fields definition of the dynamic list.

Use the following lines instead and try again:

 Dim fldsTrefwoorden As New HelperClasses.ResultsetFields(2)
        fldsTrefwoorden.DefineField(ZoekopdrachtenFieldIndex.Trefwoord, 0, "Trefwoord", "")
        fldsTrefwoorden.DefineField(ZoekopdrachtenFieldIndex.Trefwoord, 1, "Aantal", "", AggregateFunction.Count)

And if you are filtering on a field returned in the dynamic list, you may use it in your filtering, as follows:

filter.Add(FactoryClasses.PredicateFactory.Between(fldsTrefwoorden[i], dateStart, dateEnd)) // where i is the index of the field in the dynamic list

Posts: 18
Joined: 17-Dec-2004
# Posted on: 16-Feb-2006 15:26:16   

Thanks Walaa, that works perfect!

Posts: 18
Joined: 17-Dec-2004
# Posted on: 16-Feb-2006 16:06:24   

Can I also use this to sort de dynamic list?

sorter.Add(FactoryClasses.SortClauseFactory.Create(fldsTrefwoorden(1), SortOperator.Descending))

Here fldsTrefwoorden(1) is the field with the aggregate function. With this line of code I get an error. The argumants are invalid for the Create method.

How can I create a sortexpression to sort this dynamic list on the field containing the aggregate value?

Walaa avatar
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# Posted on: 17-Feb-2006 07:35:04   

Use the following line of code instead:

ISortExpression sorter = new SortExpression(new SortClause(fldsTrefwoorden[1], null, SortOperator.Descending));