Issue using Relations.ObeyWeakRelations with PrefetchPath.Add

hotchill avatar
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# Posted on: 18-Nov-2007 22:51:58   

Dear all,

I see a possible issue with the Relations.ObeyWeakRelations when used in PrefetchPath.Add. I have a method to fetch contact invitations. Invitations are for a workspace and may also be for a project. If I remove the following line (and also remove the full text search criteria on project title/description), I get the result I want:


Removing this, makes it no longer possible to enter the "My really cool project" search criterion to fetch all pending invitations for the project entitled 'My really cool project'.

If I keep the relation to Project, I miss the invitations that have no Project connected.

Ideas anyone?



Using the spectacular LLBLGen v2.5 Final

public IEnumerable<WorkspaceEntity> FetchPendingContactsByFilter(string searchCriteria, Searcher.ContactSearchStatusFilter statusFilter, long userId) {
            using (DataAccessAdapter adapter = new DataAccessAdapter()) {
                EntityCollection<WorkspaceEntity> workspaces = new EntityCollection<WorkspaceEntity>();
                IRelationPredicateBucket filter = new RelationPredicateBucket();
                filter.Relations.ObeyWeakRelations = true;
                if (!SecurityRepository.IsUserSystemAdmin(userId)) { // no permission filter for system administrators
                    filter.PredicateExpression.Add(CustomerAdminFields.UserId == userId | UserRoleWorkspaceFields.UserId == userId | WorkspaceFields.OwnerId == userId | CustomerFields.OwnerId == userId | SalesPersonFields.UserId == userId | ResellerFields.OwnerId == userId | ResellerAdminFields.UserId == userId);
                EntityField2[] invitationFreeTextFilter = new EntityField2[] { CustomerFields.Name, WorkspaceFields.Name, ContactInvitationFields.InviteeEmailAddress, ProjectFields.Title, ProjectFields.Description };
                AddFreeTextFilter(searchCriteria, filter.PredicateExpression, invitationFreeTextFilter);
                IPrefetchPath2 prefetchPath = new PrefetchPath2(EntityType.WorkspaceEntity);
                PredicateExpression invitationFilter = new PredicateExpression(new FieldCompareNullPredicate(ContactInvitationFields.InviteeUserId, null, false));
                RelationCollection relations = new RelationCollection();
                relations.ObeyWeakRelations = true;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchCriteria)) {
                    AddFreeTextFilter(searchCriteria, invitationFilter, invitationFreeTextFilter);
                IPrefetchPathElement2 invitationPrefetchElement = prefetchPath.Add(WorkspaceEntity.PrefetchPathContactInvitations, -1, invitationFilter, relations, new SortExpression((ContactInvitationFields.InviteeEmailAddress | SortOperator.Ascending)));
                adapter.FetchEntityCollection(workspaces, filter, -1, new SortExpression(WorkspaceFields.Name | SortOperator.Ascending), prefetchPath);
                return workspaces;
daelmo avatar
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# Posted on: 19-Nov-2007 04:07:30   

Hi Tore,

Could you please post the AddFreeTextFilter method?

Also could you please post the relevant generated code for your collectoin and prefetchpaths?

David Elizondo | LLBLGen Support Team
hotchill avatar
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# Posted on: 19-Nov-2007 09:54:37   

Thanks for replying David simple_smile

Could you please post the AddFreeTextFilter method?

        private static void AddFreeTextFilter(string searchCriteria, IPredicateExpression rootExpression, EntityField2[] searchFields) {
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchCriteria)) {
            List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> terms = PrepareSearchTerms(searchCriteria);
            IPredicateExpression outerFreeTextFilter = new PredicateExpression();
            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> term in terms) {
                IPredicateExpression innerFreeTextFilter = new PredicateExpression();
                for (int i = 0; i < searchFields.Length; ) {
                    innerFreeTextFilter.AddWithOr(new FieldFullTextSearchPredicate(searchFields[i++], null, FullTextSearchOperator.Contains, term.Value));
                switch (term.Key) {
                    case "AND":
                    case "OR":

Also could you please post the relevant generated code for your collectoin and prefetchpaths?

The relevant PrefetchPath sql (it has inner join for Project even though [ContactInvitation].[InviterProjectId] is nullable):

Executed Sql Query: 
    Query: SELECT DISTINCT [DbName].[dbo].[ContactInvitation].[ContactInvitationId], [DbName].[dbo].[ContactInvitation].[InviteeWorkspaceId], [DbName].[dbo].[ContactInvitation].[InviterUserId], [DbName].[dbo].[ContactInvitation].[InvitedDate], [DbName].[dbo].[ContactInvitation].[InviteeUserId], [DbName].[dbo].[ContactInvitation].[InviterProjectId], [DbName].[dbo].[ContactInvitation].[InviteeEmailAddress], [DbName].[dbo].[ContactInvitation].[InviteeRoleId], [DbName].[dbo].[ContactInvitation].[SendInvitation], [DbName].[dbo].[ContactInvitation].[InviteeResellerId], [DbName].[dbo].[ContactInvitation].[ProjectRoleId] FROM ((( [DbName].[dbo].[Workspace]  INNER JOIN [DbName].[dbo].[ContactInvitation]  ON  [DbName].[dbo].[Workspace].[WorkspaceId]=[DbName].[dbo].[ContactInvitation].[InviteeWorkspaceId]) INNER JOIN [DbName].[dbo].[Project]  ON  [DbName].[dbo].[Project].[ProjectId]=[DbName].[dbo].[ContactInvitation].[InviterProjectId]) INNER JOIN [DbName].[dbo].[Customer]  ON  [DbName].[dbo].[Customer].[CustomerId]=[DbName].[dbo].[Workspace].[CustomerId]) WHERE ( ( ( [DbName].[dbo].[ContactInvitation].[InviteeWorkspaceId] = @InviteeWorkspaceId1)) AND ( ( [DbName].[dbo].[ContactInvitation].[InviteeUserId] IS NULL AND ( ( Contains([DbName].[dbo].[Customer].[Name], @Name2) OR Contains([DbName].[dbo].[Workspace].[Name], @Name3) OR Contains([DbName].[dbo].[ContactInvitation].[InviteeEmailAddress], @InviteeEmailAddress4) OR Contains([DbName].[dbo].[Project].[Title], @Title5) OR Contains([DbName].[dbo].[Project].[Description], @Description6)))))) ORDER BY [DbName].[dbo].[ContactInvitation].[InviteeEmailAddress] ASC
    Parameter: @InviteeWorkspaceId1 : Int64. Length: 0. Precision: 19. Scale: 0. Direction: Input. Value: 14.
    Parameter: @Name2 : String. Length: 13. Precision: 0. Scale: 0. Direction: Input. Value: "toretester14%".
    Parameter: @Name3 : String. Length: 13. Precision: 0. Scale: 0. Direction: Input. Value: "toretester14%".
    Parameter: @InviteeEmailAddress4 : String. Length: 13. Precision: 0. Scale: 0. Direction: Input. Value: "toretester14%".
    Parameter: @Title5 : String. Length: 13. Precision: 0. Scale: 0. Direction: Input. Value: "toretester14%".
    Parameter: @Description6 : String. Length: 13. Precision: 0. Scale: 0. Direction: Input. Value: "toretester14%".

It does seem like the

relations.ObeyWeakRelations = true;

statement is ignored.

Walaa avatar
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# Posted on: 19-Nov-2007 10:47:22   

Instead of using ObeyWeakRelations, please use the following, overload of RelationsCollection.Add() method.

public IEntityRelation Add( 
   IEntityRelation relationToAdd,
   JoinHint hint

And specify OuterJoin for the JoinHint.

hotchill avatar
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# Posted on: 19-Nov-2007 11:15:09   

That worked.

Thanks very much simple_smile

Posts: 98
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# Posted on: 11-Apr-2008 21:20:24   

Observed with 2.5 Final ( March 28th, 2008 ) using SQL Server and SelfServicing:

I ran across a very similar issue today, and I see from the answers here that removing the ObeyWeakRelations flag and manually specifying all the join directions is a workaround. I have many RelationCollections already defined using ObeyWeakRelations = true, and changing them to use explicit JoinHints would be quite an effort.

Will this bug be fixed in a future release?

Also, on a related note, I see that the TOP clause is missing on the prefetch query, as described here: Was that bug supposed to be fixed yet?

Otis avatar
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# Posted on: 12-Apr-2008 10:08:25   

PLEASE don't append to old threads.

wesleysmith wrote:

Observed with 2.5 Final ( March 28th, 2008 ) using SQL Server and SelfServicing:

I ran across a very similar issue today, and I see from the answers here that removing the ObeyWeakRelations flag and manually specifying all the join directions is a workaround. I have many RelationCollections already defined using ObeyWeakRelations = true, and changing them to use explicit JoinHints would be quite an effort.

Will this bug be fixed in a future release?

No, because it's not a bug that's fixable, it's a 'flaw' in the system of how to treat other relations in the join chain: there's no real solution possible. So there are some situations where you have to specify it yourself.

Also, on a related note, I see that the TOP clause is missing on the prefetch query, as described here: Was that bug supposed to be fixed yet?

Yes in v2.5

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro