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Entity Editor

The Entity Editor is the editor which allows you to alter any aspect of an entity definition: its fields, its inheritance information, its mappings and its code generation information. You open an entity in its Entity Editor by selecting it in the Project Explorer and then right-clicking it and selecting 'Edit...', or by pressing cntrl-shift-O.

The entity editor consists of the following main parts:

At the top of the Entity Editor you'll find the following editor elements:

The General Entity Editor

The designer also offers a General Entity Editor. This is a special kind of entity editor which allows you to edit the entity which is currently selected in the project explorer. This editor is opened by selecting Project -> General Entity Editor in the menu, or by clicking the General Entity Editor toolbar button. The advantage of the General Entity Editor is that it keeps the current sub tab selected when you select another entity in the project explorer, which allows you to e.g. edit the mappings of several entities without a lot of clicking through tabs.

LLBLGen Pro Designer v4.2 documentation. ©2002-2015 Solutions Design