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EntityProperty Properties

The EntityProperty type exposes the following members.

Public propertyActAsDerivedTableField
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this field should be threated as a derived table field. This is necessary when this field is in a query and targets a derived table while this field is actually a full entity field (so it has field info). If this flag is true, the field will result in objectAlias.Alias instead of persistenceinfo.Fieldname as alias (alias only if required)
Public propertyActualContainingObjectName
Not Implemented
Public propertyAggregateFunctionToApply
Not implemented
Public propertyAlias
Setter not implemented
Public propertyContainingObjectName
Not implemented
Public propertyCurrentValue
Not implemented
Public propertyDataType
Returns the datatype of the entityproperty. Only valid after this entityproperty has been evaluated with an entity.
Public propertyDbValue
Not implemented
Public propertyExpressionToApply
The expression to apply to this field in a select list, update statement or predicate. Expression is applied before AggregateFunctionToApply.
Public propertyFieldIndex
Not implemented
Public propertyFunctionCallToApply
The database function call to apply on this field in a selectlist, update statement or predicate or expression. FunctionCallToApply is applied before ExpressionToApply.
Public propertyIsChanged
Not implemented
Public propertyIsForeignKey
Not implemented
Public propertyIsInMultiTargetEntity
Not Implemented
Public propertyIsNull
Not implemented
Public propertyIsNullable
Not implemented
Public propertyIsOfEnumDataType
Gets a value indicating whether the DataType is an enum type. This is a helper boolean so it doesn't have to be determined for every field set during a fetch.
Public propertyIsPrimaryKey
Not implemented
Public propertyIsReadOnly
Not implemented
Public propertyLinkedSubTypeFields
Gets linkedSubTypeFields
Public propertyLinkedSuperTypeField
Not implemented
Public propertyMaxLength
Not implemented
Public propertyName
The name of the property. Name cannot be of zero length nor can they consist of solely spaces. Leading and trailing spaces are trimmed.
Public propertyObjectAlias
Not implemented
Public propertyPrecision
Not implemented
Public propertyRealDataType
Gets the real datatype. This is the underlying datatype of DataType and if that's a Nullable(Of T) it's the type of T. This is a helper property so it's not determined over and over again for every field during a fetch.
Public propertyScale
Not implemented
See Also